10 Ways To Keep That Summer Feeling | Live Lovely

Summer is still here. The days are long and hot. There are still beach days on my horizon. Yet the other day I walked into a cafe and came face-to-face with a “Welcome Fall” banner and a collection of sparkly pumpkin decorations. Over the weekend I ordered a vanilla chai tea and was given a pumpkin spiced latte by mistake. Fall clothes are filling the stores and the advertisements I see. Halloween candy is on display at the grocery store. What is this nonsense? I’m still living in summer.

If you’re still living in the present this season, I have ten ways for you to keep that summer feeling alive. 

  1. Plan a beach day. The weather is perfect and the crowds are becoming less dense as families prepare for back-to-school. 
  2. Go for a nature walk. This is one of my favorite ways to get outdoors. Simply walk and take in everything you see. 
  3. Have a summer movie night. Bonus if it’s outside or at a drive-in. 
  4. Go on a picnic. At a beach, at a park, by a river, or in your yard. You can picnic anywhere. 
  5. Watch an outdoor concert. There are many free concerts in most town greens. 
  6. Create a summer playlist. Every summer I compile a list of songs that put me in the summer mindset. Turn the music up loud and drive with the windows down. 
  7. Resist decorating for Fall until it actually arrives. I’ll be saving my pumpkins until pumpkin season is really here. 
  8. Wear your favorite summer clothes to work. With a blazer, your favorite summer dress becomes work attire. 
  9. Gather a group of friends for an outdoor game like frisbee, tennis, basketball, or badminton. 
  10. Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables. Even better, find a local farm and pick what is in season at the moment. In Connecticut it is peach picking season.



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