Pancakes With Penguins | Mystic Aquarium | Connecticut Charm

Pancakes with Penguins is an event at the Mystic Aquarium in Mystic Connecticut that is held once or twice every season. I do love the Mystic Aquarium because of their conservation efforts and the rescues they perform for local sea life around the Connecticut Shoreline. I am always weary about animal tourism because most often these animal encounter events are not in the best intrust of the animals, but Mystic Aquarium is different. The Penguin event is safe for the penguins (who are also very curious about us humans!) and the event raises funds to save the penguin population in Southern Africa. The event is very family friendly and costs only $24 per adult. When you hear about an event involving animals please do your research before you engage. Being a responsible tourist (whether you travel local or far away) can have a huge impact on the lives of these animals that we love. If you really love them, you will want them to be safe and well cared for, not exploited for financial gain. 

lt was a cold, but beautiful Spring day at the aquarium. The breakfast event started at 8 a.m. so we had to wake up very early to make the drive from the other part of the state. We weren’t alone with the drive. Our table partners came from Massachusetts and Rhode Island. The breakfast is buffet style by Ocean Blue Catering and the tables are set up right in the middle of the aquarium! Our table was located right next to the shark touch tank. 

Matthew absolutely loves penguins. They are his favorite animal so this Pancakes with Penguins events was a surprise. With the wedding coming up fast and the stress of wedding planning and Matthew’s classes, I wanted to give him a special gift to have fun. 

After our meal, the staff at the aquarium brought out a couple penguins (The one on the left is 33 years old!) and gave us a lessen about penguins as well as the conservation efforts of the aquarium. The proceeds from the event will fund the trips of several staff members to work in South Africa to protect these lovely animals. 
We were also able to explore the aquarium. I fell in love with these fun fish with golden scales. They remind me of my favorite childhood book, The Rainbow Fish. I later found out that they are actually pirañas! I also made a new friend! Matthew did some exploring of his own. 


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