Energize & Exercise | June Goals | Year of Living Lovely

It is only the beginning of June and it has already been a busy month. With less than two weeks until my wedding, I have been finalizing all the little wedding details. They certainly add up! I am thankful that I chose June as my month to “energize and exercise” because with wedding planning stress, some of the best medicine has been movement. I certainly need more energy this month!

My goals for this month are to:

  1. Exercise at least three times a week. (A very standard fitness goal, but so important when life gets stressful.)
  2. Get enough sleep. (I need my beauty sleep this month to keep up with my abundant life.)
  3. Create energy (How? By taking care of myself. Drinking plenty of water, cutting out sugary foods, eating well, and staying active. And of course, by doing things that make me happy and rejuvenate the soul.)

To be honest, I haven’t been feeling as body confident as I had hoped to feel lately. With the wedding coming up and so much planning, I haven’t been as active (or eating as healthy) as I had originally planned. I weigh more than I have ever weighed before in my life, and although that isn’t necessarily bad, I do want to feel confident and healthy on my wedding day. Two weeks to go. I believe I can at least turn it around enough to feel good about myself, to tone up and feel stronger. My aim is to have enough energy to take in every moment of the wedding day, dance the night away, and have energy and strength for adventures on our honeymoon. 

What are your June goals? Drop them in the comments below. 

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