The Importance of Silence | Tuesday Tea

It is a Tuesday morning and I very well should be going into the office earlier to catch up on the missed hours from my wedding and honeymoon. My bank account would certainly be happier if I did, but I cannot muster up the energy today. My beloved cat of fifteen and a half years, Mister, passed away Sunday evening in the comfort of our home. And I am sad. Sometimes work can be a good distraction, but I am not looking to remove all the negative emotions in my life. Perhaps this one is just meant to be felt. This morning, before going into the office, I am going to take the time to appreciate the silence. 

I am going to spend a quiet morning at home and live in this moment that I find myself. I’ll brew my morning tea and listen to the raindrops hit our roof. Every morning of the past fifteen plus years (excluding time away in college) was spent with Mister nearby as a constant heat source by my side. He has always been there. It is going to be an entire new lifestyle without him. 

I am so thankful for all the time we have had. And I am thankful for this moment too. 

Moments of silence help us to center ourselves, reflect, and even heals the mind when life becomes hectic, noisy, or overwhelming. Research has shown the noisy environments or “noise pollution” causes high blood pressure and results in other negative health effects including heart attacks. Silence, on the other hand, has the opposite effect on the human body; releasing stress and bringing contentment and joy. Silence helps us clear our minds and brings us back to the present, reviving our focus so that our brains perform better throughout the day. This is good news for introverts like myself who use solitude to replenish our energy. Silence cannot cure the pain of loss, for a loved one or any pet for that matter, but I will be using my time to reflect on the beautiful moments we shared together. 


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