Powell’s City Of Books | Portland, OR

When we asked locals in Portland what we should do or see in the city, Powell’s City of Books was the first (and in some cases the only) suggestion that we were given. “You must see Powell’s,” the bellhop at our hotel told us. “Definitely Powell’s,” we heard over and over again from locals we met while at the hotel, out and about, and in restaurants. Luckily for us, it was a short walk from our hotel. I would say that Powell’s lived up to the hype, however, that might not mean much coming from me because I have never met a bookstore I didn’t like. So you’ll have to see for yourself:

Row after row and floor after floor of identical tall bookcases filled with books about every subject under the sun and over it too. 

Rare old books:

You will find books both used and new. 

The bookcases are so tall that you will really feel like you are in a city of books. 

From the outside, it may not look like much. However, you can lose yourself here for days on end. 

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