Why You Need To Visit The Connecticut State Library | Connecticut Charm

The Connecticut State Library has always been one of my favorite places in the state, ever since my first visit on a school trip when I was twelve years old. I loved the history and grandeur of the building. I have always felt right at home in a library, but the Connecticut State Library is so much more than just a library. 

This is the main entrance, now reserved for the superior court. When I was a kid you could walk right through the big front doors. These days, you will want to walk through the small library entrance located in the back of the building where you will go through a small security stop. 

You will walk down the hall and follow the signs to the main entrance where you will find yourself in this grand hall. 

These ceilings still captivate me. They were hand painted in 1908. 

As beautiful as the main library room is, the several floors with all of the bookcases is where the real magic is hidden. Archival records are in the basement, but all of the books are on floor after floor… made of glass. 

Yes, you read that right; glass floors. This library was built before electricity was common and you can imagine that candlelight would be very dangerous with all of these books. Skylight windows brought in sunlight that would travel through the floors to provide light during the day. 

It is only nerve wracking when you realize that the glass floor boards are original and that some of them have been broken and boarded up! Best not to over think it. 

The Connecticut State Library is the perfect place for research or for exploring. 

Look at this nifty little book elevator. 

You can hear a pin drop in the room (and the echo from the tall ceilings), making this the perfect reading room. 

Directly across from the library entrance you will find the Connecticut Superior Court room. It is a Beauty! This was the first time I had laid eyes on it because it has always been in use when I have visited in the past. 

I wish I could just lay down on the floor and look up. 

Directly in the middle you will find the Museum of Connecticut History; open to the public. 

When you make your way back towards the front of the building, you will catch a glimpse of the gold roof of the Connecticut State Capital building. 

I never visit a library without my book basket; you never know how many books you might check out. 

Where is your favorite library? I would love to hear all about it in the comments below. Please share this post with your library loving friends. 


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