The Spring Cleaning Series | Week Three

I promise I did not forget you, Spring Cleaning Series! With a wedding last weekend and the start of my first ever no-spend summer (which I decided to start early this year in May instead of waiting for summer to begin), I fell behind in this post for week three. However, week three should not take you all week long to complete because this week we are focusing on the bathroom. Bathrooms are typically small and do not amass as much clutter as other rooms in our homes so this area of your home should only take you a few hours to only a day to complete in full. 

We’re going to go through the steps to truly deep clean our bathroom this week though. If we’re going to clean them, we better clean them right. The Spring Cleaning Series is specifically designed for deep cleaning. We usually do not have time to deep clean our bathrooms, so this will hopefully give us a great refresh. Just follow this simple list and you will find your bathroom to be in its best condition yet. 

One. Just like every room, the first step is to declutter. Go through every cabinet, drawer, shelf, and closet to remove each item and go through it one at a time. Recycle or dispose of anything that is expired, you no longer use, or is just plain gross. You don’t need to keep all of that, I promise. Put aside nearly empty products that you love so that you can use them up and recycle the containers. You don’t need five almost empty bottles of shampoo laying about taking up precious space. Donate old and tattered towels to a local animal shelter. 

Two. Before putting items that you decided to keep back in their homes, make sure you scrub down the insides of each shelf and drawer to remove dust and grime. 

Three. When placing items back, put similar items together so you will know where to find things. Use small baskets, containers, and even small flower pots to keep small items sorted together. Every item should have a specific home. 

Four. Deep clean your mirrors and counter. Only keep what you absolutely need out on your counter and tuck the rest away. 

Five. Now it is time to sweep your floor before you scrub it down. After cleaning your floor by hand (making sure you get every corner) check your walls, the trim, and any picture frames or decorations. You will also want to clean these if they are dirty. Hair spray and dust can also accumulate on your walls. If you leave any products out (such as bubble bath), you may also want to wipe them down to remove dust and grime. 

Six. Our least favorite job: deep clean the toilet. Scrub the bowl inside and out, sanitize the handle, and even get underneath to the back of the toilet where dust tends to compile. 

Seven. Last, but not least, it is time to clean the tub/shower. Remove the curtains and place them in the wash for a deep clean. Then use an organic shower spray to get every nook and knob in your shower. This is where mold may accumulate and make you and your loved ones sick. Don’t let it pile up. Also wipe down bottles such as shampoo. 


Congratulations, your bathroom is now shining brighter than the Empire State building! To keep tricky places like this clean; designate a day once a week to wipe down all surfaces and faucets. Once or twice a month wash your shower curtains. Keep mildew and mold from growing by rinsing off your shower/tub and bathing products after each use. 



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