Easy & Super Healthy Smoothie Bowl Recipe To Boost Your Mood & Your Body

I have been craving many treats lately. With anxiety levels on the rise and comfort food within reach, I believe that many of us are in the same boat right now. I wasn’t liking how my stomach was feeling after all comfort food cravings were met. I knew I needed to turn to another kind of comfort food; a food that was healthy, delicious, and felt like a treat, but with all the anti-inflammatory and healthy ingredients to boost my mood, increase my energy, aid my digestive healthy, increase my immune system, and satisfy my taste buds. The answer: smoothie bowls.

Simple and easy to make, you can alter a smoothie bowl recipe any way that fits your tastes. For my mood boosting, digestive health smoothie you will need the following ingredients:

  • Frozen acai berries
  • Frozen blue berries
  • Frozen raspberries
  • Creamy greek yogurt (or you can use dairy free yogurt if you’re vegan)
  • Almond or coconut milk
  • Chia seeds
  • A banana
  • Granola
  • Organic cocoa nibs
  • Almond butter (or your favorite nut butter)

Blend your berry mixture with a few spoonfuls of yogurt and a small amount of almond/coconut milk to create a creamy fruity texture as your smoothie bowl base.

Then sprinkle all your favorite treats on top; the chia seeds, cut up bananas, granola, cocoa nibs, and drizzle the almond butter on top. You can use any of your favorite fruits, nuts, and seeds as delicious toppings.

Simple, delicious, and it will make your stomach happy too. This recipe is simple to make and it satisfies your sweet treat cravings while giving your body and your mood a positive boost. What are your favorite smoothie bowl toppings? Share in the comments below.


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