The Little Things No. 19

The little things really do add up, which is why every Friday I end the week on a positive note with appreciation for the little things in my life that make up a greater sense of joy.  I hope you join me today in appreciating the good, no matter how small.

Because this is about appreciation rather than perfection, I’m not only including my professional quality photos, but some cellphone snaps as well. You can expect to see a more candid look into my life every week with my The Little Things blog posts every Friday.


Dear Friends,

This week I am feeling more hopeful and I hope you are too. Perhaps participating in the recent protests has given me an outlet for my anger. Seeing changes being made within my own circle of contacts and our country’s policies, including a ban on choke-holds and Breonna’s Law being passed in Louisville, gives me so much hope for the future. I also stepped foot in a book store last night for the first time in several months. Book shops always have the ability to brighten my mood. -Walking into a book store is like putting on a comfort blanket.

I am also an auntie yet again! My brother and his fiance welcomed their second daughter, Hazel Mae into the world this week at 6 pounds 3 ounces. They live all the way in Oregon and with the virus still out there it looks like I won’t be meeting her just yet, but we cannot wait until we do.

For my thirtieth birthday this summer we were going to go on a road trip and drive a part of Route 66 (a wish trip of mine since I was twelve), but sadly it has been cancelled this year. I’m pretty sad about it and we’re trying to come up with alternative ideas.

The little things this week really meant so much to me:


Walking into a book store again.

Seeing all the wildlife and baby animals at the end of spring; I saw two baby deer last night and another family of deer the night before. Also so many baby ducklings, baby geese, and baby swans. The black bears are also on the move.

As silly as it may sound, I’ve also been watching all of the Cinderella movies. “Have courage and be kind,” is one of my favorite mantras and Drew Barrymore in Ever After is simple lovely.

Picnic season is here again.

Reading in a park.

Having the opportunity to exercise my freedom to protest.

What are you thankful for this week?


With appreciation,




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