New England Ice Skating | A Valentine’s Day Adventure

I’m not a pro ice skater. I definitely wobble and I can’t go backwards, but I do love to skate! Gliding atop frozen ice is an incredible feeling, especially when that ice is surrounded by trees and nature. All is quiet out on a frozen pond when it is just you and nature.

For Valentine’s Day I bought Matthew and I each a pair of hockey style ice skates. Several years ago I bought a pair of figure skates from Goodwill for just $7 and they have served me well, but having a toe pick in the front of my skates is not ideal if you’re just planning on gliding around. They’re great for jumps and tricks on the ice, but if you’re skating outside you want ice skates without toe picks so that you don’t get jammed on the uneven surface or go flying when you get them caught on something. Ouch.

It took a couple hours to find an ideal pair. Most ice skates for women are the figure skate style with a toe pick, but finding hockey style skates in my size was nearly impossible. Women deserve better. I’m thankful I found this great pair under $100 in my size. The thick shoe of the skate is also ideal for keeping my ankle secure and my feet warm. Unfortunately, Matthew’s skates were a little tight so I’ll have to exchange them for a wider pair.

It felt like winter magic hiking out to this spot.

Remember, if you’re going out on a lake or pond to ice skate to always bring a buddy and to follow skating safety. Never skate alone and always check the depth of the ice. I’ll be making a blog post all about outdoor skating safety, but for now I wanted to share with you our Valentine’s Day adventure.

Ever since moving to our new home we have been spending more time outdoors; going on winter hikes, local walks, and even building an igloo in our backyard. Eventually I would like to try cross country skiing and snow shoeing, but the big one on my list for winter activities has always been ice skating. We’re avoiding the indoor rinks right now, but with so many ponds, lakes, and rivers nearby I knew that the skates was the best idea for an outdoor winter activity.

This park is right behind our new home. It took us about a mile to hike through the snow and woods to get to this spot. With all of the recent snowfall we also knew that we would need a shovel. You can skate through the snow, but you’re more likely to trip up or not see a branch hidden from view. Matthew carried the snow shovel the whole way there and most of the way back just to be able to clear a skate arena for us. What a Valentine!

Matthew has always been an amazing skater. He can do spins and skate backwards. I manage not to fall! I always love it when he skates backwards and holds my hands.

And, of course, what winter adventure is complete without hot cocoa? This Aladdin thermos has been my favorite for the past few years and it keeps our hot beverages extra hot for us. It makes every outdoor winter adventure feel extra cozy.


I have found that there is a method that you can follow to ensure you get the most out of winter and enjoyment in the season. Winter can be difficult between the cold and lack of sunlight. I love the changing of the seasons and that includes winter, however, I do not like the cold. Dressing warm and investing in key winter pieces has been essential to my comfort in winter. Warm mittens instead of gloves help keep my hands warm and I always wear thick wool socks. Thermal under layers, snow pants, a lined winter hat, waterproof winter boots, and a thick thermal coat have been game changers to my comfort level, even on days that are below freezing.

As for lack of sunlight, getting outdoors every day, even for a short ten minute walk is enough to combat the winter blues, Vitamin D3 is a positive supplement as well as getting plenty of rest, exercise, water, and eating healthy greens. For those that still suffer form lack of light, a sun lamp to combat Seasonal Affect Disorder can be a game changer.

But most of all, I have found that simple changes to welcome in gratitude and joy during wintertime can keep the worst of the winter blues away. If you’re ruminating over what you hate about winter instead of what you are grateful for, then you are leaving very little room for the joys of winter; ice skating, outdoor activities, the beauty of snow fall, warm winter socks, eating a cozy meal, and settling in with a warm blanket to a favorite book or film. Ice skating is one of those simple joys for me. When you find a reason to be excited for below zero days then you can find joy in those freezing days as well. Find reasons to look forward to the days you are living in right now and you will always be content.

I hope that you had a lovely Valentine’s Day!


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