My Spring Wish List

I just started getting into the spring mood this week when a cold snap returned and I awoke this morning to a fresh layer of fallen snow. But the hope is already there; spring is just around the corner and I am officially looking forward to it. I believe that we are all ready and hopeful for a new season and a fresh start. That is the magic of the changing of the seasons after all. I’m so proud of myself this year for making the most of wintertime (especially during a pandemic) and not wishing the season away. But now it is time to prepare for the next season and I find myself anticipating warmer days, spring blooms, and starting a small veggie garden at our new home. -Although I am a little saddened that I didn’t get to use my new ice skates as much as I had hoped!

Most of all, I am looking forward to the vaccine being available to all adults soon. It is something very hopeful to look forward to. I believe we can all agree that preventing this virus is our best hope for the future and that we are all anticipating brighter days ahead. We’re planning a simple spring this year, especially because the vaccines won’t be available to us until April and so many others have not received them. We plan on getting ours as soon as they are available to us in Connecticut this April. I enjoy starting each season with a list (do you like lists?) of things that I am looking forward to during the season ahead. This spring, it is the little things I’m looking forward to most. Here is a look at my spring wish list:



  • Getting my vaccine! This is number one on my list because I want to do everything in my power to keep my loved ones and others safe. I am terrified of needles, but it is so worth it. And once we are all protected we can travel and gather once more.
  • To explore some local towns near my new home.
  • To build a portable reading tent with a friend.
  • Host a ladies luncheon at my new home (once we’re all vaccinated and safe to do so).
  • Buy indoor houseplants for our new home (a lemon tree and olive tree especially).
  • Start a raised garden box at my rental house for a mini vegetable garden.
  • Begin reading books on my spring reading list.
  • Collect dandelions to make my own homemade dandelion tea, oil and balm.
  • Finish decorating and organizing our rental kitchen.
  • Hang crystals in the living room window to scatter the light.
  • Decorate my dressing room/ guest room. (Also make my own art to decorate the room.)
  • Spring clean my closet.
  • Create some fun spring inspired needlepoints.
  • Collect flowers on an outdoor walk.
  • Hike at all of our local parks.


What activities are on your spring wishlist?




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