Setting Up Your Spring Cleaning Goals For Success

I don’t know about you, but after a long winter (and pandemic!) my home can certainly use a refresh. I don’t exactly love cleaning, but I do love the rewards of spring cleaning my home. This year, we recently moved to a new place. We are still unpacking and going through the little things, although the furniture, books, and most of our clothes are in their rightful homes. With my husband finishing his final semester before graduation in May we haven’t been in a rush to complete everything because it was compounding his stress and anxiety. Frames lean against walls waiting to be hung, random boxes are stuffed in corners, and keeping on top of the regular chores has been exhausting. We also have all hard floors now instead of carpet and it turns out that they’re much more time consuming to clean. You probably have a few projects on your own list. Thinking about it all at once is no way to tackle a spring cleaning project. The best way to set yourself up for spring cleaning success is to have a plan; especially a plan that works for you. Here are a few of my tips to help you cultivate your own spring cleaning plan and set it up for success.


One. Identify your problem areas. 

We all have that one area of our homes that we dread drop in guests from seeing. The spots in your home that you don’t want visitors to see are the problem areas. They’re usually hard to get to places or surfaces that gather clutter. Maybe it is a hard to reach spot that has a thick layer or dust and cobwebs. Sometimes they’re the big home projects that we started but never finished. Make a list of your problem areas so you know where to put your energy.


Two. Aim to complete three big projects and three small projects. Everything else is just a bonus. 

You have identified your problem areas. What are the top three? Thinking about it all at once is overwhelming so this will help you minis and focus.These are the top three most time consuming and problematic projects we have on our lists. Everything else can wait. If you focus on too many projects at once you’ll struggle to complete them and you’ll set yourself up to fail your spring cleaning.

Now identify three small projects that you can do in less than an hour. Do one of those mini projects first. It feels so good when you get started and complete a task that it will give you the motivation to keep going.


Three. Adopt the twenty minute tidy method. 

Don’t have time to deep dive into your spring cleaning? I don’t know if I am the only one to do this, but I created this twenty minute tidy method for myself and it never fails. Try the twenty minute method. You do have twenty minutes every single day, even if you think you don’t. It can be ten minutes in the morning and ten at night or twenty all at once. The best part of this method is that it is simple and everyone can do it. You can actually accomplish a lot on just twenty minutes. In twenty minutes you can scrub a bathtub, wash a load of dishes, and any other tasks that have been sitting there waiting for you. The best part? It keeps you motivated to continue and you’ll probably decide to keep on going. Your twenty minute tidy might become a forty minute tidy without you even thinking about it.


Four. Go natural. 

I always like to add a note that going with natural and simple cleaning products and tools is better for you, your home, and the environment. You will also save a bunch of money if you skip the chemicals, disposables, and electronic cleaning tools you don’t need. When I make my own cleaning products or use a natural one with a lovely smelling essential oil, I feel good about cleaning. It bring spring into the house.


Five. Divide and conquer. 

If you live with someone else then you don’t have to do this alone. Divide tasks and you’ll get them done twice as fast. And if you do live alone, there is no harm in asking for a friend or family member to volunteer for a difficult project or for something you need help with.


The only way you can fail spring cleaning is by not starting in the first place. Even if you only accomplish one goal, you’ve gotten somewhere. What are your spring cleaning goals this year?

Soon I will be sharing a list of those often forgotten places that you might want to add to your spring cleansing list.




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