Word of the Year : Create

This year my word of the year is “create.” I thought briefly about something more productive like “mindfulness,” but in the end I decided that I wanted my word this year, my intention, to be more fun and creative instead of something I felt I needed to work on. I’m always working on myself. Why not just be? Just create for the sake of creating? Who knows what will come of it.

Towards the end of last years I got into crafts and projects as a personal form of art therapy to help me with stress and to get my creative energy flowing in different way. Creativity tends to branch out from one activity to another. The act of creating in one area of our lives inspires another. As a professional photographer I do a lot of creating and for my blog I certainly create a lot of content. But it is always with a purpose and with a specific outcome in mind.

This year I want to get into more craft projects just for the sake of fun and creativity. I plan to create my own decorations for my home, craft for fun, sew my own clothes, and take photos and create photo shoots just for the sake of trying something new. I have found that there is a childlike wonder for the world when creating. We fall into periods of flow and time slows down. We lose all track of time when creating something that ignites our imaginations.

For my creative followers I do promise to share some of my fun projects and DIY here on the blog this year just as I did for the pie felt garland I made for Thanksgiving this past year. What about you? Will you be getting crafty this year? Create new things? Write, paint, sculpt, dance, craft, photograph, draw, compose, and create?



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