Join The Book Club

Last spring I accidentally started a book club. I say accidentally, because it was in no way planned. I love to read and I shared a few books I had read on my Instagram stories @LiveLovelyTravel and before I knew it, a few of the people who follow me bought the books I recommended and asked to chat about them with me. Just like that, a small group of locals and I were meeting up once a month in person to read a book and talk about it.

A typical meeting starts with a chat about the latest book we have read together and the second half we talk about other books we have been enjoying and common interests. It has been a whole lot of fun and I have made several new local friends because of this group. But you do not have to be a local or come to our book club meetings in person to join. Whether you quietly want to read along or chat about the books together online on Instagram, you are welcome to follow along.

What I love most about this book club is how relaxed it is. Everyone can make book recommendations and we do our best to make sure everyone gets to read books they find interesting. If you don’t have time to read the book or finish it, we still meet up and have a lovely time. The last thing I wanted for this group is to add more to everyone’s to do list. Reading should never feel like a chore. We hope to keep it fun and pressure free. Read what you want and when you want, even when we strive to read books together.

We do not just read one genre. We tend to read whatever book or genre sparks our fancy and that the group seems to enjoy. Each month different members recommend books and we all choose one together that has the most group interest. For January, that book is Little Men by Louisa May Alcott, the sequel to Little Women. In the past we have read other classics, mysteries, and even non-fiction.

In February we will each select a classic novel on our own to read and share with the group. Simply choose a classic you have never read before but have always wanted to read, read it for February, and share what you loved (or disliked) about the book.

I hope that you will consider joining us this year. We are starting with Little Men by Louisa May Alcott and will be discussing the book the last week of the month. Join the conversation at @LiveLovelyTravel.



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