A Ski Weekend At Killington Vermont

Three weekends ago we went to Killington in Vermont for a ski weekend with friends. Killington is known as the “beast of the northeast” because it is the first mountain to open and also the last to close every season in New England. They have so many slopes and mountain peaks to choose from. Our friend Courtney’s family has a cottage nearby in Pittsfield where we stayed with the loveliest meadow and mountain views. We hung out with Ben and Courtney and Ben’s cousin Taylor and fiancé Kelly. We explored Stowe, tasted beers in the tasting room at the Von Trapp Brewery, ate ice cream at Ben & Jerry’s, and took a ski lesson at Killington. This winter is the first year I have ever skied and I am learning quite a bit. My boss gave me a good lesson before our trip so that I can stop and slowly get down any mountain safely. His lesson was very helpful and appreciated.

If you are a new skier or an experienced athlete, this mountain adventure is for you. Vermont is one of my favorite winter destinations. As a kid I used to spend my winters in Brattleboro sledding and snowmobiling through the woods. Northern Vermont is where the skiing is, and perhaps some of the best skiing in New England. Perhaps I may have found my winter sport (second to ice skating, of course).


The Pittsfield General Store has all the essentials as well as the best sandwiches around for lunch.

The ham and brie sandwich was phenomenal.

There is also a wine cellar.

And don’t forget to pick up all your Vermont goodies; maple syrup, maple candies, jams, and locally made goods.

On day one we drove to Stowe. Our friend Ben loves the Alchemist beer and the brewery is located right in Stowe. It was a unique and artsy building, but very little space and no room for guests. We ended up purchasing some beer to go instead and went exploring.

Which is when we decided to try to Von Trapp family brewery. I knew that the Von Trapp lodge was located in Stowe and we have visited in the past, but I had not heard of their brewery. It was everything we were looking for in a brewery that day including plenty of seating indoors and out, a great drink selection, and a relaxed vibe.

Nestled below the mountains, the Von Trapp Brewery is a welcoming place.

There are also cross country ski trails behind the brewery and outdoor fire places.

Matthew tried a beer and I had a wine from Vienna.

This seating area was upstairs overlooking the brewery equipment and away from the crowds at the bar.

There is also a little shop with Austrian treats and German candies.

Matthew bought a box to share with friends.

Then we made it to Ben & Jerry’s.

Even in winter the line went out the room.

The chunky monkey flavor; banana ice cream with peanut butter and chocolate chips.

Ben with his Ben & Jerry’s.

Our first time visiting the Flavor Graveyard; all of Ben & Jerry’s retired ice cream flavors.

It was an icy walk up!

These gravestones  for the ice cream favors have some funny descriptions.

We went out for dinner at the Grist Mill then hung out at the cottage by the fire to play games. These German candies from the Von Trapp Brewery are so good.

Sunday morning we woke up early to get to the slopes at Killington. Ben and I had a ski lesson at nine and Matthew and Courtney were able to make it down the black slopes without us beginners slowing them down.

If you are a new skier, I highly recommend a lesson here. You can book a private lesson or a group lesson. For the green trails I recommend the group class, but if you are looking to finesse your skills, you will want to book a private session so you can tailor the lesson to your skills and needs. Adult group lessons start at $99.

The peak lodge was packed at lunch. I have never seen a mountain so busy, so it is s good thing there are so many trails open. The meals were very large. If you are visiting as a couple you can easily split one meal and still not finish it.

I made a new friend, Christine, in our ski lesson and she came with us down the mountain.

At the peak! My friends convinced me to go down the blue from the peak. I did ok, but I think next time I want to focus on the green trails so I can practice my movements a lot more first. Less falling and more fun. I went through my first tunnel and ended up catching air when I got inside…. right into the metal wall! I leaned away form the wall so I wouldn’t hit my head and ended up flying through the air like supergirl right onto my stomach. I got up as quickly as I could and scooted my way out so my friends waiting on the other side wouldn’t know. Not my most glamorous moment.

Because we skied from opening at eight until the last chair I was pretty exhausted the next day. Everyone else went down again Monday morning while I hung back by the fire, packed our bags, tidied the cottage, and read by the fire. I stopped for lunch at the General Store again and read some more before we had to hit the road back home.


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