Connecticut Charm | New Haven Cherry Blossom Festival

After a rainy (but fun) Saturday in Boston with friends, Matthew and I met up with my cousin Alexis and her boyfriend Stephon for the New Haven Cherry Blossom Festival in Wooster Square. It was supposed to be another cloudy and rainy day, but instead we were blessed with gorgeous sunlight to illuminate the cherry blossoms. I used to live outside of Washington DC for a few years and we would take the metro into the city for the cherry blossoms. Imagine my surprise when I found out that there was an annual cherry blossom festival so close to our new home. New Haven may not have gorgeous monuments, but picturesque Yale University is just a few streets away.

The New Haven Cherry Blossom Festival was busy and draws in around 10,000 people every year. Planted in 1972, the cherry blossoms line the streets of Wooster Park.

A band played live music and people were dancing away to the rhythm of New Haven.

Yum, fresh made Italian ice.

So blessed to have this amazing woman as my cousin!

They’re too cute for words.

We left the festival knowing that we have to give New Haven a second chance. It has not been my favorite Connecticut city, yet New Haven has a lot more to offer than I first gave it credit for. We will be returning this summer to explore Yale University, the delightful theaters and museums, as well as the various markets, restaurants, shops, and parks. If you live in the area, I highly recommend you walk through after work one day or on the weekend while the cherry blossoms are here.




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