How To Make Orange Pomanders For The Holidays

What is a pomander? It is a ball or container of a sweet-smelling substance used to make a room, drawer, or closet smell sweet like a room freshener. But they do more than simple smell sweet; they’re also cute as decorations and you can slo make natural Christmas tree ornaments out of them. Orange pomander balls during the holidays are some of my personal favorites, especially because they make your rooms smell festive during the holiday season. The smell of cloves and oranges brings back memories of winters as a kid. 

I remember making these as a kid in elementary school. They’re a fun and simple project for all ages and families can make them together as a holiday tradition. All you need are oranges (or a similar citrus fruit) and cloves. You can find everything you need at your local grocery store. 

Push the cloves into the skin of the orange. You can make any kind of designs or even completely cover the orange in cloves if you wish. You may want to spread out your crafting or ask for an extra hand because the cloves can be prickly and after lots of pushing, you may bruise the tips of your fingers. 

You can add extra decorations to your pomanders such ribbons if you would like. Some people also prefer to carve designs into the orange peels. I’m more of a simple pomander kind of gal. 

I personally like to keep mine in a small basket in my kitchen. 

Mmmmm. The smells of Christmas. 

I would love to hear about your favorite holiday crafts in the comments below. To see more, follow me on Instagram @LiveLovelyPhotography


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  • Sue TackerNovember 25, 2022 - 8:20 am

    How do you keep them from molding?ReplyCancel

    • Courtney MurrayDecember 9, 2022 - 7:40 pm

      Hi Sue, Usually they dry fairly solid on their own without molding, but if they are in a very warm environment they can unfortunately grow mold. I would recommend putting them in a food dehydrator or even your oven on low heat until mostly dry to dry them out and prevent mold from growing.ReplyCancel

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