Tuesday Tea | A Simple Tea Meditation

In some way, shape, or form you might already know how mindfulness or meditation is good for us. From the way it rewires and shapes your brain, reduces stress and anxiety, builds mental health and resilience, and slows aging and prevents illness. But knowing and doing are two completely different things. For any number of reasons we may not include mindfulness or meditation in our daily lives. Perhaps we don’t prioritize it, we feel too busy, we meditate once in a while but it is not a routine, or you’ve thought about it and decided that is wasn’t for you. Perhaps you think it might be too difficult to do. Today, I want to show you that meditation is as simple as drinking a cup of tea (or coffee, or any type of beverage hot or cold).

Meditation is simply the practice of being present in the moment. Your mind will wander; it is not abut being thoughtless, but rather not responding or “talking” to your thoughts and bringing yourself back into the moment. Meditation can be all about the pauses in between our thoughts, which is why a focus meditation, where we focus our minds and attention on one thing, can be just as powerful as sitting still.

For this mediation all you need is about 5-10 minutes of peace and a cup of your favorite beverage. For me, that is my morning cup of tea. This meditation may be practiced at any time of day.

Once you have your quiet moment, even if it is only for two minutes, all you are going to do is drink it. Yup, that’s it. You can also include the act of making your beverage into the practice.

Put away your phone and turn off all distractions. You will not be reading, texting, scrolling, watching tv, or talking while you do this meditation. It’s just you and your cup.

Loosen your shoulders if they are tense. Sit up straight. Take a deep breathe in and let it back out. Loosen your jaw if you’re clenching it. Let yourself relax into the moment.

You will focus on what you see. Is steam coming out of the cup? What color is your beverage? Are you using your favorite mug?

You will focus on what you taste. Take a sip. Is it warm? cold? Sweet? Bitter? Just right?

What do you smell? Take a deep breath into your cup. Is it sweet? That special smell of fresh brewed coffee? The subtle aroma of chamomile or green tea?

You will focus on how you feel. Does your favorite beverage make you happy? Are you stressed? Do you feel yourself relaxing?

Notice that focusing on your feelings is not about thoughts. Don’t let your mind wander outside of the moment. Keep yourself mentally right where you are. This is not the time to think about a work problem, a personal dispute, or what you need to do next. All you’re going to do is drink your tea/beverage and simple be there.

Sit with those senses and those feelings. Be in the moment. Drink slowly and appreciate that very moment, right where you are.

If you find your mind wandering and leaving this moment, bring it back again by focusing on what you see, taste, hear, smell, and feel.

And when your cup is gone and your meditation is coming to an end, bring yourself back slowly. Don’t reach right for your phone or the next task. Roll your shoulders, do a little stretch, take a deep breathe, and then commence with your next task, this time trying to stay in the moment.


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