A Start Of A New Chapter


Dear friends,

It is our first full day in the new home. On Saturday we moved our furniture and belongings into our new rental home. It was a muggy and rainy day, but we got it all done thanks to our wonderful family and friends. Almost all of yesterday was spent cleaning out and up the old apartment. When we moved there almost three years ago it was a big step up from our tiny studio factory apartment. That little upstairs apartment seems so small now and I will always recall the fond memories. We are now officially in our new home.

Madeleine and Monet (our cats!) are surprisingly taking the move very well and they are getting along better than ever before, choosing to explore each room, closet, and window together. Madeleine is next to me now as I finish up working from home at the dining room table (which is the only tidy surface in the new place right now (as we still have a lot of unpacking to do) and Monet is sleeping on a dresser top. This morning he climbed atop the refrigerator and knocked a glass jar of honey onto the floor on his way up, smashing glass and honey onto the tile.

Thunderstorms have been passing through all day. I have not yet planted my vegetable plants as we are still setting up our garden space, so I used the hose to water them on the porch as they are not out in the rain. It is delightful walking on the grass with bare feet and using the garden hose. Simple joys!

Last night Matthew had me get out of bed to look out the window. I was so exhausted from the move and my muscles ached, but I made my way into the living room. In the darkness we could see thousands of fireflies right in our backyard! The view during the day and at sunset is spectacular here on the hills, but oh do I love a firefly light show!

I believe we are all going to be very happy here. I already feel so much peace. A new chapter begins and I am looking forward to sharing  the journey with you this summer.

Thank you for your patience as I started a new job a couple months ago and now this big move. I will be posting quite more often this summer, I promise. Wishing you a beautiful start to your summer!


With appreciation,




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