An Autumn Wish List

My autumn wish list this year is a combination of all sorts of things from simplifying, to clothing I wish to add to my fall wardrobe, and experiences for the season. This year I feel a strong longing to immerse myself into the New England autumn experience. I want to connect; to myself, to those I love, and to my community. A majority of the time, it is the little things that have the biggest impact on our happiness. 

This year I have struggled a lot with depression, budding anxiety (doing my best to keep it from developing further), and with personal loss. Loss and grief comes in many forms. You can grieve the loss of a loved one, a connection with someone you care about, a close friendship, a goal that didn’t work out, or a job. You can feel sad about the loss of many things in life. When trapped in these feelings it is easy to forget our accomplishments and all the good things going on as well. My goal this autumn is to remind myself that there is more to life than loss and that sometimes the best love you can give is to yourself. This is a reminder to be kinder to myself. 

I hope that no matter what you are going through in your own journey, that you take the time to make a list. And by list, I don’t mean a check list where you have to check off every item. You’re not going to have time for everything and some times things just don’t work out or go as planned. This is not a list to add pressure or stress, but rather the exact opposite. This, my friends, is a wish list. 

  • To have a full weekend spent completely at home (I’m always on the move to this is a major wish list item of mine).
  • Corduroy pants. (Matthew dislikes the texture of corduroy as it really freaks him out so I have gotten rid of all of my old pairs. Now that I’m older, I find myself wishing for a couple pieces for my autumn closet.)
  • To bake an apple pie.
  • Watch a Fall Harvest Hallmark movie. 
  • Visit the Bethlehem Garlic Festival. 
  • To go apple picking. 
  • Find a creative way to give back to my community by Thanksgiving. 
  • A weekend camping trip before it gets too cold outside. 
  • A navy blazer for fall and winter.
  • To see the Sleepy Hollow Experience by Halloween.
  • To carve a pumpkin. 
  • New duck boots (mine have a hole in the bottom so I’ll be recycling them this season).
  • To find a good way to recycle old clothing and shoes that are too damaged to donate. 
  • A camel sweater.
  • To go for a long walk and admire the changing leaves. 
  • To make art with autumn leaves like the artist Andy Goldsworthy. 

Are any of my wish list items on yours? Take a moment out of your day to craft your own autumn wish list. Write your top three in the comments below. 



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