Ever since hearing about Logee’s Greenhouse a few years ago, I have always wanted to visit. Situated in Danielson Connecticut, Logee’s has been a family owned nursery since 1892 and continues to bring tropical and unique plants into the homes and gardens of New England residents. It was the perfect backdrop for a Valentine’s Day date.
Unfortunately, Matthew has school and studying sessions on Thursday so he is not home until very late (so proud of him!), so we decided to go the weekend before as an early romantic celebration. We were both looking for inspiration for some plants to bring life to our apartment. One of the things we both desperately dislike about apartment living is the fact that you don’t have a yard, or at least a private outdoor space. When we lived in Maryland we always had a balcony that we would crowd with plants, but Connecticut apartments aren’t as likely to have balconies and ours is no exception. We are hoping that by bringing more plants into our space, it will add some joy to our apartment living.
It will take you an hour and a half to get to Logee’s from the Waterbury area, as Logee’s is nestled in the “quiet corner” of Connecticut, a scenic little drive once you make it off the highway. When we pulled up to the crowded parking lot and saw the tiny little entrance we were both a little disappointed at first. From the outside, it didn’t look like much.
But once we opened the door, we were welcomed into a whimsical garden paradise. Right past the check out counter, there is a doorway leading to the main greenhouse.
The greenhouses are connected with a series of doors, each one leading to different kinds of plants, some very tropical, and others unlike anything we have seen before. Logee’s is simply magical.
Logee’s is known for its citrus trees and tropical plants. “Grandfather Logee” brought back a lemon tree in the year 1900 and planted it in the back greenhouse, where is still lives and bears extra large lemons more than 100 years later!
During this time of year, when all the leaves are gone and the grass is brown and covered in snow, it was so refreshing to step into the greenhouse and explore the mazes they formed. The fragrant smell of the leaves, fruits, and flowers was thick in the air and I breathed it in deep. The air was warm and reminiscent of a late Spring day.
We did not buy any plants on this trip, as we actually left with more questions about what kind of plants we really want (and we will have to do research to see which plants won’t harm our mischievous plant-nibbling cat Madeleine). We both left the greenhouse feeling calm and at peace, completely at ease from the rejuvenating power of the greenhouse plants.
What are your favorite unique date spots? Tell me about where you like to go for romantic outings in the comments below.