An Open Letter To Those Still Figuring It Out | Live Lovely

Dear friend, 

If you are still trying to “figure it all out”, then you are on the right track and you are definitely not alone. It means that you care about the life that you are living, about your goals and where you want to be. If you’re still trying to “figure it all out,” then you’re busy living because to be honest, no one has everything all set. It means you are actively invested in who you are, what you do, and how you spend your precious time. Life is a journey, not a finish line. When you reach one goal there is always another to take its place. Which is why I want to remind you to appreciate where you are right now. Perhaps this moment is as good as it is ever going to get. Can you live with that?

If now is the best your life is ever going to be, what can you do in this moment to make the most of it? What small changes can you make to have a big impact on your current lifestyle and happiness? The present truly is all that we have. The past is gone and the future is purely conjecture. Goals are great to have and everyone should strive to make the most of their lives, but that doesn’t mean it has to be a rat race to make more money, buy a bigger house, collect more things, travel constantly, or keep up with the Joneses. Working on yourself and your dreams should not come at the  expense of your life. I believe that we often sacrifice our current happiness for the idea of happiness in the future if we could only achieve x, y or z. 

But are you happy right now?

If you never “made it” to that dream job, that dream house, that dream paycheck or vacation, would you still appreciate where you are right now? 

Today I want to challenge you to find happiness and contentment right where you are, because there is no guarantee for a better future, only a better now. That new pair of shoes isn’t going to make you happier long-term. The kitchen remodeling of your dreams isn’t going to magically fix your life or your relationships. Whether you land that new dream job isn’t going to determine your worth as a person. 

Instead, I hope you focus inward. That you find beauty in your every day, that you find contentment and happiness in the fresh air, that you appreciate your next meal, spend quality time with those that you love, and find rewards in what you do at work and at home. I hope that you appreciate everything you do have right now, even if you’re feeling left behind, sad, depressed, anxious, or uncertain. My wish for you is that you recognize the joys and significance of your life right now, no matter what else you may be feeling. 

No one has it all figured out and that is ok. But you can be present and live the absolute best of your life right now. I hope that you do. 

Your Live Lovely Lady, 




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