Aphrodite | Patron Saint of Love

Aphrodite was the patron saint of love and beauty in Greek mythology. The Romans knew her as Venus. I see her as a symbol of strength and femininity. Living in a culture where femininity is often seen as a weakness and the female figure is exploited for the male gaze, I wanted to take back the symbol for us women everywhere as a sign of strength and beauty in just being yourself.

I looked everywhere for a female figure necklace, and finally found this beauty by Sister The Brand on Etsy. Besides my wedding band, this is my most worn item of jewelry. I bought it last year and I have been wearing it ever since as a reminder of my strength.

I do not care much for idols and iconography, but there is a beauty in symbolism sometimes. I am not a religious woman, but I am a spiritual one. In Greek culture Aphrodite is a multifaceted goddess rather than a symbol of perfection, regardless of her beauty. I like that she wasn’t perfect, but still embodied love.

This necklace was handmade in the village of Lefkara, Greece. You can find the link to this Aphrodite necklace by clicking right here or on the photo above.


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