April is at an end, but I couldn’t help but think that it was a truly magnificent April this year. Yes, we have had plenty of April showers, but the abundance of flowers this year have been worth it. All the New England streets are aglow with vibrant Spring flowers. My days have been filled with a little extra color this year with the new Burt’s Bees All Aglow sticks.
I have been a loyal customer of Burt’s Bess since I was a little girl. This is not a sponsored ad or anything, but I loved their new All Aglow sticks so much (and all the other Burt’s Bees products I have been trying this Spring) and I had to shout it from the roof tops. I’m obsessed with natural and healthy beauty products and I love talking about the benefits of going natural with my friends, my family, and my readers because it is oh so important for our health and the world.
As a child I was given the mini kits with hand lotions and chapsticks in my Christmas stocking. As an adult, I continue to purchase Burt’s Bess for myself and my loved ones because they’re natural products that are not only better for our bodies and the environment, but also because they work better than other brands on the market. Almost a decade ago I switched to using only natural and organic makeup, but Burt’s Bees did not have a makeup line at the time. Thankfully, last summer I discovered their natural makeup products and fell in love. So when I was looking for a natural cheek tint for Spring to replace the non-natural one that I love, I was really happy to see that Burt’s Bees was now making them. It can be hard to find a cheek and lip tint that is all natural.
The All Aglow lip and cheek tints come in six different shades. I had a difficult time deciding, however, I ended up going with the Burt’s Bees Natural Origin All Aglow Lip & Cheek Stick in Peony Pool
tint because I thought the delicate pink would best compliment my skin tone and look more natural than the deeper shades. I also ended up purchasing the Peach Pond tint recently. Reviews I read said that the tint was often too sheer and did not last long, and this may certainly be the case if you’re expecting a tint with thicker pigment.
The tint is pretty sheer, but it lasted on my cheeks all day long and I only had to reapply it to my lips after drinking tea. It is in fact more sheer and natural looking than a lipstick, but it does have a solid color that I found really lovely and natural looking on my face. The middle of the stick was made out of coconut butter so it left my lips feeling silky and I can use this in place of a chapstick. For people with darker complexions who are worried that the pigment might be too sheer, there are deeper shades available that look very lovely. Because I prefer my makeup to look more subtle, I went with the more subtle and neutral shades.
When the Wonder Woman film came out at the box office, I read an interesting article by the makeup artist chosen to do Diana’s makeup. She said that using dry makeup such as powdered blush or bronzer could often highlight skin imperfections, become cakey, and set into creases and wrinkles. To create Wonder Woman’s natural and beautiful glow, she used cream based makeups to create a dewey and youthful complexion. Ever since I have been using natural cream makeup and the All Aglow has officially taken its place in my daily make up bag.
With Burt’s Bees All Aglow, you’ll be ready to take on Spring.