Baby Camden | Connecticut Newborn Lifestyle Photographer

Springtime of this year was the perfect time to start sharing the Live Lovely Lifestyle sessions. I have been doing newborn lifestyle photography for a few years now (almost five!) but I usually only did so for close family and friends and I never shared the photos on my website or blog before this year. Although I am primarily a wedding and engagement photographer, I love mixing things up every so often as a challenge and to stretch my creativity muscles. As a photographer, I truly believe that every unique photo experience strengthens my skills and that translates into better wedding photography and creativity as well. Every travel photo, blog post, and newborn lifestyle session is an opportunity to try new things, work with different lighting, practice new poses, and create timeless imagery. I am very proud of baby Camden’s newborn session. Photographed on a very grey day and nearing sunset, we made the most of the available light and created these beautiful and soft newborn images.  

Today I would like to introduce you to sweet baby Camden. His first ever photo shoot was taken right at home with his parents and two big sisters, Charlotte and Evelyn. 



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