Connecticut Charm

clm_8843I love to travel. There are so many places that I have been to and so many more that I want to visit. There is a myth that travelling is very expensive, mostly because the travel industry highlights expensive companies, luxury hotels, and tours. How else would they make the big bucks? Travelling is not the same as vacationing. If you live like a local: make your own meals, stay in an apartment or airbnb, and skip shopping, you can spend the same amount travelling every day as you do living at home, with the exception of the price tag to get there.

That being said, there are circumstances that can prevent travel such as caregiving, medical needs, career limitations, schooling, or financial hardship. In my case, it is my wedding. It is not exactly a hardship, but it certainly is expensive and Matthew and I are paying for it ourselves. (That is some serious goal-getting right there!) Fortunately, it will end in some great travel adventures for the honeymoon, but until then I will be sticking close to home as I save up. This is where I introduce “Connecticut Charm.”


There are so many great places to explore close to home no matter where you live. I promise, if you take the time to look outside your front door and all the usual places, you will be amazed by the wonderful cafes, small businesses, museums, parks, restaurants, outdoor adventures, and hidden gems you will find in your home town and state. I happen to live in Connecticut, so my explorations start right here.


People seem to have a lot of opinions about Connecticut, but I absolutely love it here. We’re right between New York City and Boston, only five hours from Washington DC, have beautiful New England small towns, incredible museums and universities, a stunning shoreline, over 300 lakes and large ponds, numerous fairs and festivals, a lovely wine trail, beautiful wedding venues, and the Appalachian Trail. I uncover new gems every day I walk out my door. The state is very picturesque, sophisticated, and charming when you open your mind to what is around you. I was daydreaming about Paris and Europe this summer when I realized that there are places just as beautiful and just as exciting right here at home. (Thimble Islands, anyone?)


I live in Manchester. It is the “city of village charm.” Not exactly my favorite place in the state, but it does have some awesome places to eat and a wonderful library. I do not have a balcony or a place I can go to spend time outside so it takes some creativity on my part to get out there. I want to celebrate where I am right now. And I hope you will too.


If you live in New England or Connecticut, these posts will be entertaining and will hopefully inspire your own weekend and day trips. If you are planning a trip to Connecticut, I hope these posts will inspire your travels. And if neither of those refers to you, I hope they will motivate you to venture out for your own local adventures.

I will be traveling around the state in my free time to my favorite places (as well as many new locations) with my camera and a journal. I love photography and I love to write. Connecticut Charm is a personal project to keep me exploring to to appreciate where I am right now. After the wedding my savings will go to more adventures further from home. For right now, I am going to love where I am at with all my heart.


Keep a look out, a lot of Connecticut Charm is coming your way.


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