Do You Have A “One Day” Dream?

Just yesterday I shared a post about my daydream to have a small apple orchard in my future yard. I have many “one day” dreams. One day I would love to own my own home with a front porch and at least two acres of land so I can grow apple trees. One day I would love to run my own photography studio and work on my photography and writing for my blog full time. I shared some of my dreams here, but I also shared them on my Instagram @LiveLovelyTravel and I asked my friends to share their one day dreams with me. I was amazed by all of the responses. My day dream question struck a chord in a lot of us. We all have dreams of our own.

I had so many different responses from career goals like running a federal bank, opening a coffee house, or becoming a photographer, to home goals like owning a house with a front porch or by a beach, a lake, or the mountains. Many people brought up gardens, orchards, Christmas tree farms, and vineyards. Some people wanted to raise goats or chickens and homestead on their land. Some people shared personal goals like writing a book or pursuing art. There were a few key themes that almost all had in common; everyone dreamed of a home they would love, community, nature, and creativity.

Not one person said they wanted a bigger house or a mansion. No one mentioned materialistic gains outside the normal comforts of a safe house surrounded by nature. I believe that really goes to show that true happiness is found within ourselves, our communities, through being creative or pursuing a passion, and in the nature around us.

The best part about reading all of the responses was also knowing that we each have the power to make these dreams become a reality. It may not go exactly to plan, but we all have the ability to make our lives fit our visions a little bit more than we even imagine. For example, I may not own my own home right now and I cannot plant apple trees or own sheep, but I do grow vegetables in pots on the front porch of my rental home. I can also spend time in nature nearby and visit local farms. I see sheep every day on my commute to and from work. I am also on a waiting list for a photography studio. So some dreams really do come true, even if it means we have to take baby steps and work a very long time to get there. Some of my dreams may never come true and that is ok.

If your dream is to one day plant your own orchard, Christmas trees, or vineyard, why not learn about it now? Start reading books on the topic, visiting blogs or watching Youtube tutorials. You can join a group or a meetup or visit a local farm, vineyard, or orchard and learn about it first hand. If you dream of a garden, but do not have any land, consider starting small with house plants or even renting out a community garden space nearby. For a home, learning to love where you are right now will make you feel better in the present, but you can also take little steps to rent a space closer to your ideal or save up for that dream home. It does not have to happen today or even in the near future for it to become your realty one day.

And in the meantime, continue to daydream. Day dreams are actually good for our mental health. Besides being a constructive form of escapism (when not overdone), these daydreams tell us our hearts desires. They show us what we want and by visualizing our goals, we are able to take the steps to accomplish them.

So what is your day dream and what are you doing to make your “one day…” dreams your reality?



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