Five Ways To Give Back This Thanksgiving | Thankfulness November

I can hardly believe it, Thanksgiving is almost here! Like many Americans, I look forward to spending the day with my loved ones and practicing thankfulness for all the amazing people, events, and blessings in my life. I look forward to the traditions and the feast. I can really go for some homemade mashed potatoes right now. However, I also use this as a time for reflection. Unfortunately, the United State’s past isn’t a lovely one. We celebrate this day as a day when the Native Americans assisted the early settlers and helped them survive the new terrain, yet our ancestors did not repay them with the same kindness. There are also so many people this time of year who do not have homes or families to go to. If you’re looking to make a difference to someone in your own community, here are some lovely ways to give this Thanksgiving and to share your blessings with others.


  1. Visit a retirement home. Sadly, many people in nursing homes cannot go home, or have no home to go back to for the holidays. Some residents don’t have any visitors on Thanksgiving. You can bring cheer to an elder in your community by stopping in to say hello or visiting a relative you know who is in a home this season. 
  2. Volunteer at a soup kitchen. Soup kitchens are easy to find in most communities and they always appreciate the extra hands. You can donate food or donate your time to feed your community. 
  3. Donate to a food bank. This time of year there are many food banks that are appreciative of your donations. You can give the gift of a Thanksgiving meal to someone who may not otherwise have one. 
  4. Organize a food drive. Make this a family or work place event. Ask people you know to join you in collecting food such as boxed stuffing mix, cranberry sauce, canned vegetables, potatoes, and other holiday feast essentials. 
  5. Invite someone over for dinner. If you know of someone who has no place to go this holiday season, one of the best gifts you can give is an invite to your family’s table. Think of how you would feel to receive an invite if you had no where to go. 

If you live in Connecticut, here are some local food banks, volunteer opportunities, and soup kitchens:



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