Home From The Honeymoon

We are home from the honeymoon with our heads and our hearts full of beautiful memories that will shine bright in our minds for a lifetime. We had numerous adventures (and misadventures) along the way. Although I am a bit sad to be home so soon, it has been wonderful returning to our beloved New England community. We really did miss the people here, our two cats Mister and Madeleine, the lush fluffy green trees, the lakes, the music, big American breakfasts, local diners, and the Connecticut shoreline. Traveling to all those incredible places was amazing, but it also gave us a newfound appreciation for home. We also live in a beautiful place, even though we often find it to be ordinary or a quiet corner of the world. 

The wedding was more amazing than I could have ever hoped for and I will be sharing all the planning and photos leading up to those unforgettable moments. As I was off most social media (everything except the occasional Instagram) during our three week journey through France, Italy, and Greece, I will be editing and sharing photos from the trip over the next couple months along with honeymoon and travel tips. (The photo above is a view of Gordes, France.)

Along with travel and wedding planning posts, I will be working on my wedding and engagement photography. I have several exciting new ideas (and a new lens). I am looking for a local New England couple (or a couple willing to travel here) for several photo shoot ideas I have in mind, including a romantic engagement styled shoot at Connecticut’s Lavender Pond Farm within the next couple weeks. If you, or someone you know, may be interested, please send me a message and we can start planning something special! 

This month is also about exploring for my Year of Living Lovely Project. I will be doing a lot of local travel this summer. We’re on a high budget after the wedding and honeymoon, but there are so many affordable (and free) places and activities so close to home. No matter where you live, I hope you have the chance to vacation or even “day-cation” near your home this summer as well. 

I love New England year-round, but I feel so young and adventurous in the summer time. Summer brings up so many fond memories and so many opportunities to have fun with loved ones. After work or on the weekends you will find me at a lake, trekking through the woods, at the beach, riding my bike on a trail, kayaking down a river, or strolling through a small New England town. I will be sharing plenty of that this summer so I hope you are looking forward to a lot of blog posts this season. 



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