How To Create A Wellness Fund

I recently had an epiphany. I save for travel, emergencies, and items on my wish-list like many people do. However, I never save just for wellness; for my gym membership, a workout class, a retreat, meditation get-away, massage, chiropractor, dermatologist, therapist appointment, spa day, or subscriptions that add to my health, happiness, and wellbeing. I thought perhaps it was about time to set aside a small sum each month just for wellness. 

The thought came to me after finishing my appointments at my chiropractor. For a year and a half my neck and upper back and shoulders were causing me a lot of pain. Eventually, it got so bad that I couldn’t turn my head without feeling a sharp pain, which was not only uncomfortable and painful, but also unsafe every time I had to drive. My cousin urged me to see a chiropractor. What a difference it made! It turns out, I had some muscles that must have healed wrong at one point. Within six visits they were all worked out. Why did I wait so long to fix it? I know the answer to that; money. It costs money, even with my insurance, to make these important visits. Of course, I make sure I stay on top of my doctor and dentist visits, but when it comes to other forms of wellness visits, I tend to put them off.

To prevent my neck and shoulders from getting back to where they were, I want to focus on more prevention as well as some stress relief. I thought about how great it would be to visit a massage therapist once a month or so to keep my neck and shoulders in better shape and to ease tension (I tend to also carry my stress in these areas). I have never actually been to a massage therapist; they never seemed necessary and it always felt like it would be too expensive. However, now that I see things in a new perspective, I feel that it could only be beneficial to my health and wellbeing. 

With a budget set aside each month for wellbeing, I could potentially afford to make it a part of my wellness routine; if not once a month, perhaps every few months. 

People have so many different ideas of what wellbeing looks like. For some, it is meditation and hiking trips. For others it includes spa days, massages, and chiropractor appointments. Your wellbeing may include weekend getaways, a weekly meeting with a psychologist or therapist, gym memberships, physical therapy, body bootcamps, yoga classes, meal plans or meal kits, monthly visits with a nutritionist, a new bicycle, acupuncture, spiritual retreats, concerts, music lessons, tennis matches, a morning tea routine, kick boxing, karate lessons, or any number of healthy, active, and mindful activities. 

To create a wellness fund of your own, think about the kind of activities you enjoy, need, or wish to do. What would you want to be able to experience and afford every day? Every month? Once or twice a year? 

Now you know what you want, you’ll need to figure out how much you will need in your wellness fund every month in order to afford it. 

For me, my monthly list includes my $24 gym membership (where I also go to my spin and yoga classes which are included in the membership), a basic massage at the local Massage Envy for my neck and shoulders, and a bi-monthly visit to my therapist, which costs $110. I would want to set aside enough money in a separate savings account every pay period to cover these wellness expenses for my mind, body, and soul. 

I hope that you have a chance to take control of your own wellbeing by creating a wellness fund of your own. 

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