How To Have More Fun

Note to self: Have more fun.

That was a reminder I gave myself yesterday morning.

I believe I lead a pretty fulfilling and happy life. But there are times when I do something silly or purely for fun and I realize how often I do fall into my routines or chase calm in a hectic world and forget to have more fun. One of those times was last week when I put on my new roller-skates and realized I hadn’t roller skated in well over a decade. I noticed it again when Matthew and I went out on my sister-in-law’s jet ski over the weekend and we had a blast. When was the last time we cut loose like that? Like getting up on a new pair of roller-skates, I realized it takes a little practice to get back out there again. Perhaps this pandemic has kept you from finding fun or an ordinary life routine has got you in a rut. Perhaps you have faced a trauma or a struggle this past year. Whatever it is, fun is a natural cure.

So how can you have more fun?

It feels like a silly question to ask, but when you stop to think about the last time you’ve had fun and realize how long it has been, the question starts turning into a realization. Fun should be a daily priority. Of course, we cannot have fun all of the time. Nor will we always feel in the mood for fun. Incorporating a daily does of fun should be a priority though because life is short and laughter truly is the best medicine. Humans thrive off of joy. So why shouldn’t we do our best to prioritize it?

I made little guide for myself on how to find more fun and I thought I would share it with you.


Here are ten ways you can prioritize fun:

One. Know yourself enough to know what you want. Let me explain; all of us have hidden desires of things that we want to to do or learn. It can be an athletic skill, a musical instrument, how to play a game, do a cartwheel, roller-skate, or any number of activities that are on our hidden wish lists. Simply knowing what you want allows you to dream up of fun and chase after it. Put it on your list and make it a goal to try these things whether it be once a day, once a week, or once a month.

Two. Put in in your calendar! It is easy to over book ourselves for others and leave less time for ourselves. So make it a priority by booking it in your calendar. Find the time and commit to it.

Three. Change up your routine. Drive the same way home from work every day? Try a new route. Eat the same meals every week? Cook up a new recipe or do take out from a place you have never tried before. Examine what areas of your daily routine have become hum-drum and spice it up a bit.

Four. Make one weekend a month a fun weekend. Plan fun activities, meet up with friends, do your favorite hobbies, and have a good time!

Five. Watch or go to a comedy special instead of your usual show or movie. Laughing produces endorphins, which make you feel good, limit pain, and can heal temporary emotional pain.

Six. Get more rest. This sounds like the opposite of fun for most people but if you’re constantly tired then you are not going to be in the mood or have the stamina for more fun. Get plenty of rest so you have the energy for activities both big and small.

Seven. Find a friend to have fun with. This person can help challenge you or hold you accountable when starting a new habit or learning a new skill. It is also often more fun to do an activity with a partner or two.

Eight. Your day too busy for fun? Think again. You don’t need an hour or more. You can fit fun into small periods of time such as playing a game on your lunch break, listening to a new fun playlist on your commute to work, doing a crosswords puzzle on your break, or any number of little things that you can add into your busy day when you have a moment. Perhaps your time in not being used wisely by poor time management or being plugged in too often to social media or the news. Limit the wasted time and recycle it for activities that make you feel better about yourself.

Nine. Wake up twenty minutes earlier and start the day with a rejuvenating activity like a short morning walk, meditation, yoga, watching inspirational videos, or reading a book.

Ten. Know your own value. Know that you are a good person. That you try your best. That you are worthy of love, kindness, and respect. Turn that love inward and recognize that you deserve this extra time for fun. Many people hold themselves hostage because of low self-esteem or self-worth. We often hold ourselves back because we feel that we do not deserve the extra time or the activities that bring us joy. Know that you are worthy and you are important. Your happiness is just as important as anyone else’s.


What do you do each day or each week to prioritize fun? Please Pin and share this post.



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