How To Research Your Clothing Options Before You Pack | Live Lovely Travel

I’m a list girl. I love to research [everything] and make lists before every trip I go on, even my fun little weekend getaways. So while making my packing list, I did a lot of research on what to wear and what to pack for each place we went to. Some might find that a little crazy, but for me it is all a part of the fun. This part of my planning process lets my imagination go wild and increases the anticipation I feel for a trip, which coincidentally is really good for your brain and your mood too. Pouring over inspiration for a new trip is exhilarating. It increases the anticipation I feel for the new adventure and prolongs the enjoyment I get out of it. 

When I travel I like to look like I could be a local of the place I am visiting. The people therefore find me to be more approachable, I am less likely to be ripped off by those who take advantage of tourists, I blend in with the locals, I get extra approval points for being culturally aware and respectful, and I have more fun! I like to imagine that I am living there and I have a more authentic learning experience of the place that I am traveling through. 

For example, in Paris I dressed more modern and I wore trendier clothing items while in Provence France I simplified with linen sundresses in vanilla, yellow, and pastel shades of blue. In Italy I wore warmer colors and shades of reds and in Greece I dressed more casually and wore a lot of white and blue. Where you are travelling to may determine your style, your accessories, as well as the colors you choose.

So how do I research my packing essentials for each trip?

Factors to consider are of course the location, the culture, the activities, and the weather. When I travel I want to look my best of course, but I also want to fit in. My goal is to respect the culture of the place I am visiting and dress appropriately for each scenario that might take place. It sounds easy enough, but it is also easy to make a mistake.

1. Location. The way you pack for a lakeside retreat is going to be vastly different than what you would pack for a city excursion or a vacation by the ocean. The location will be the largest factor to decide what to pack. The key rule is you want to be comfortable and to fit in with the crowds. Don’t let your imagination get too carried away. Use Google or social media to research the street fashion and trends for the places you are visiting. A quick Google Images search of “What to wear in. . . ” will give you plenty of good suggestions. 

2. Culture. This one is so important. During our recent trip to Rome on our honeymoon, we knew that we would be going to Vatican to see the museums and Saint Peter’s Basilica. Although the Italians love a sexy outfit, the Vatican is a very different, very Catholic, experience all together. To enter we were not allowed to wear anything short, including shorts for the men. Shoes could not be open toed sandals and necks and shoulders had to be covered. We packed a conservative outfit for this day, even though we knew the temperature would be close to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Many ladies brought scarves to wrap around themselves as extra cover. You do not have to practice a religion to respect the values. No matter where you are going in the world, being conscious about the public dress code is essential and the right thing to do. Research the religion and what is acceptable (and unacceptable) in the places you are traveling. 

3. Activities. If you’re a dress girl like myself it can be tempting to pack only cute dresses in your carry-on, but let’s really think about what you will be doing on this trip. If you’re planning to do a lot of walking or outdoor activities, make sure you pack reasonable footwear and attire that you will be comfortable and action-ready in. I had a good laugh the other day because a blogger online was sharing her favorite high heeled stilettos for Santorini. Santorini is an island covered in cobblestones, millions of stairs, donkey poo, and lava rocks. High heels are the shoes you want to avoid at all costs for that trip, no matter what she says.

During our honeymoon we took an underground excursion into the Lasceaux caves in France to see the earliest human cave paintings. Even though it was a warm summer day, down below it was freezing. I wore comfortable hiking clothes, not a cute summer dress. On the other hand, if you’re a casual person and you’re going to some higher-end places, you will also want to step up your game. Nothing feels worse than being severely under-dressed for a formal event or over-dressed for an outdoor excursion. 

4. The weather. This one is very obvious. Plan for cold days if you’re travelling in winter or for summer clothes when you’re going to hot destinations. But also pack at least one outfit in case of unexpected weather. We knew that Europe in June was going to be very hot so we weren’t expecting one of our evenings in Paris to be so very cold (there were people walking around in fluffy down jackets). Thankfully, I had one pair of pants and a sweater that I had packed for the chilly plane ride. They were nice enough to be worn almost everywhere on our trip when the nights got chilly. Have an unexpected weather action plan in place. Just one outfit will do, as you do not want to over-pack items that you will rarely or not even use. 

No matter what you pack be yourself and stay true to your style. Try something new. If you’re feeling confident, then you will own your look no matter what. Happy packing! 




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