I Bought A Green House

I bought a green house, two actually!

I feel equal parts excitement and guilty over my new greenhouse purchases for this spring. Since moving into the cottage last year I had plans to grow my own vegetable garden from seeds. I was able to set up my garden last year, but it went in so late that I had to purchase plants that were already maturing. This year, I knew I would be planting and that I had to have some sort of mini green house to start the seeds in February when most of the seeds need to be planted. It is too cold here in February to do without. If you live in a warmer climate, a greenhouse might not be a necessity. Up north, it is the only way when there is snow on the ground. So I went to our local Ocean State Job Lot in town with the intention to purchase a small greenhouse with shelves.

I found what I was looking for; the most perfect mini greenhouse for only $31.99 and next to it on the shelf was a much larger greenhouse for $75.99. Most greenhouses in the larger size start at closer to $150 and with the $30 back in gift card promotion that was going on at the store, it sounded like the best deal. But I left it on the shelf. I walked away and purchased my mini greenhouse and seeds. After putting them in my vehicle, I decided to walk right back in and get the larger greenhouse too!

I am so glad I did because it has already sold out at our local shop and if I had waited I would have missed out. After sharing the greenhouse on my instagram, numerous friends and community members shared that they have the same one and that it has been so helpful in their gardening journey. What I love about it is that I can transfer my growing plants into the larger greenhouse when I set it up this spring so that they have more room to grow. It will be a fantastic transition from growing indoors to the large greenhouse to my garden beds. It will allow for me to start more seeds indoors with the extra room saved and grow my plants in an outdoor greenhouse.

The greenhouse is over six feet high and has six shelves, three on each side. There is a doorway and it is large enough for me to walk into. It has a green cover and I am already planning the types of vegetables I want to add. Matthew is starting flowers form seeds for the yard this year and plans to use the greenhouse for his flowers as well. I will be planting sunflowers (from the seeds I collected from our sunflowers last year) and lavender.

What makes me feel guilty though is that I know it is not entirely eco-friendly, especially in the first year. The greenhouse cover is made of plastic and it is a cheaper option, which means I have to be extra careful and take good care of it to ensure it lasts a very very long time. Starting a garden sounds very green and environmentally friendly, but if we purchase too many unnecessary tools (especially plastic ones) it only adds to consumerism and our environment problem. I understand the responsibility of my purchase. I fully intend to take good care of this greenhouse to make it last many years. And when I do have a real greenhouse one day, I will make sure to gift it to someone who will really use and care for it.

A more eco-friendly and permanent option is out of my budget right now (Costco has some great greenhouses for under $1500, but I’ll be sticking with my $76 greenhouse for a long time). And with the fact that we are renting, having something we can disassemble for moving is our best bet.

I do believe that this greenhouse is a good choice for us and our garden though because I have many gardening goals and they are all from seeds. Buying already grown plants adds to my environmental food print because most of those plants were planted in plastic containers and shipped hundreds of miles before making it to the store. Growing my own from seeds will allow me to use natural pots and minimizes my footprint. I also have control over the materials, especially knowing what I use is organic. Over the course of several years, I can see the impact compounding.

My father suggested that we build a small deck for the greenhouse to keep water out from underneath, to create a level ground for it, and as a way to keep it attached so it will not blow over during a windy storm. I like the idea and am looking forward to finding an inexpensive way of doing this. It is much better than my idea to add stakes to ground it. He also offered to visit and help us find a good spot for the green house. The yard here is so big, but we do want to keep it close to the house and our kitchen garden.

I have shared that it is my goal to live more simply this year. Simple does not always mean easy! I expect the garden to be a lot of work and a lot to learn this year. This is my first time growing with a greenhouse. I am looking forward to learning the skills and what grows best (and I am sure I will learn what does not grow so well in a greenhouse.) If all goes well, I may also be able to use the space to grow more vegetables in pots this summer as I only have four raised beds.

My seeds are already planted in little pots in my mini greenhouse. When the weather warms, I will set up the larger greenhouse in the yard and transfer over my larger plants. It has been so refreshing getting back in touch with my gardening side.


These are the seeds I started at the end of February:


This year I cut out a few of the plants I grew last year. I just do not have a lot of space right now to grow everything I want to. However, I am trying numerous varieties of tomatoes to see which ones grow best in our area and which ones I want to continue to grow in the future.

I am also trying a couple new things; acorn and butternut squash as well as lavender and other flowers.


Originally I was going to have the mini greenhouse set up downstairs in the side room, but Matthew suggested right in the dining room and it was the perfect spot.

It is not the most beautiful looking greenhouse, but it fills me with so much happiness to see it every morning when I wake up and see the seeds begin to sprout into little vegetable plants. With it being the beginning of March, it still feels like winter most days, but these little plans are a sign of what is ahead.

In less than two weeks they have already grown so much!

Next I will be planting strawberries and sunflowers.

If you have any gardening questions for beginning with a greenhouse, let me know in the comments. I will be happy to share what I am learning along the way. I will also be sharing more about the greenhouse on my YouTube channel. Thank you for being here.






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