I’m Getting Married!

On Saturday the 16th Matthew I are getting married! Our wedding takes place at Harkness Memorial State Park and then we fly out for our three week honeymoon on Monday evening. Tomorrow we have the rehearsal at the park at one, followed by a casual lunch in Mystic at the Engine Room, then us ladies are off to the salon to get our nails done. I am going to miss Matthew so much Friday night, but I will be seeing him again shortly after to share our vows. It feels surreal. I am so beyond happy to marry the man that has made my life so wonderful over the past decade!

So this blog post is my simple farewell (for now). I have a couple blog posts already scheduled to post while we are away, including the July goals for the Year of Living Lovely Project on July 1st, so stop on by at the beginning of next month to follow along. It feels like we will be gone for ages, but I promise that I will be back to the blog before you know it. As I prefer to travel unplugged, you probably won’t hear from me until we return after July 7th. I prefer to travel this way because it allows me to make the most of every moment. The photos, stories, and travel tips I have to share will be just as exciting when we come back. I have an entire collection of wedding, bridal shower, bachelorette, and honeymoon posts to share with you after our honeymoon is over. 

I am looking forward to the posts I will be sharing this summer, but even more excited to live them out in the moment over the next several weeks. See you all soon! 


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