I had the best time traveling to different locations around Central New York for Jessica & Brian’s maternity shoot. We started in the backyard of Brian’s sister Crystal and ended our journey in Franklin Square in Syracuse. To beat the heat and the crazy bright sun we got up pretty early, but we still got a little roasted in the summer time heat. We spent the whole morning together which is great because we had the opportunity for more creativity and more poses. I hope that those of you viewing these can see all of the fun that we had. Brian certainly knows how to make Jessica laugh! Jessica is a dancer and Brian is an architect to I had a very creative couple to collaborate with.
Brian spontaneously ran off to collect this flower for Jess’s hair.
Brian took Jess to this awesome road the first time he took her home to meet his family. In the winter time the trees are covered in snow and ice and they are leaning away from the road. It must be wild to look at in the winter time and it is just as lovely to drive through in the summer.