Live Lovely | A Little Flower Power

Never underestimate a little flower power in your home. The hippies had it right; plants not only clean and purify the air, they have a great impact on your well-being, especially in the home.

I keep several plants on a glass Ikea shelf in my living room by the window, but with limited daylight I have to choose hardier plants like ivy and aloe. My bedroom windows get much more sunlight, so I keep a small lemon tree and a flowering plant in that space.

In my childhood home, flowers were brought in only for birthdays, funerals, and for apologies. As an adult, I feel that flowers are much more than gifts for special occasions or for negative events. Life is the occasion.

Buying flowers may be out of your weekly budget. But honestly, for the price of a small latte or your morning coffee, you can have beauty in your home. Not in the budget at all? You don’t need a large bouquet. Any little collection or even a single flower will look beautiful on your nightstand, dining room table, bookcase, or bathroom sink. A single stem or a long leaf found outside on your afternoon walk will do plenty for your mood.

A little greenery or fresh flowers are beneficial to your well-being. They improve mood, cognitive function, clean the air, smell amazing, and have even been studied to discover that fresh flowers relieve pain and minimize anxiety and depression. How is that for flower power?

I keep a small white vase on my nightstand for fresh flowers. This summer, I promise to use it more often to bring beauty, health, and vitality into my little home.


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