Love Is Life; Your Support Network | May Goals | Year of Living Lovely

Love is life. That is one of my mantras. And by love, I don’t simply mean romantic love, I mean the love between friends, the love between family, and the love we hold for others. The people that you hold nearest and dearest. These are the people that you can turn to in time of need, the people that will be there for you when you’re feeling alone or hurt or sad. These are the people that support your goals, celebrate your victories, and make you feel good about yourself. In other words, your support network. Friendships and relationships of all kinds are so important to our happiness and our wellbeing. Studies have even shown that people with strong friendships live longer and healthier lives. 

Yet many of us live with feelings of loneliness or isolation. Some of us are too “busy” to keep a hold of connection. Some of us are caught in toxic friendships, working relationships, family relationships, or even romantic relationships. Life is too short for all of that negativity. 

This month I want to focus on the people that are simply good for my soul. You know the kind; the people that make you feel great just from a short conversation with them. For me, that circle includes my fiancé, my close-knit family (and large circle of cousins), my siblings, and my numerous friends (not all pictured in this post, but all just as important to my life). With working on my business, planning my wedding, and getting caught up in the events of life, I feel that perhaps I have isolated myself too much lately. For the month of May I will be focusing my energy on staying connected with my lovely network of incredible people. 

I will be candid with you about making the decision to let a toxic friendship fade, about taking space for myself, about reaching out to people who I have wanted to but have not for some reason, and for making stronger relationships. When it comes to human connection, quality truly is more important that quantity. 

My May Goals Are:

  1. Reinforce and prioritize good connections in my life. 
  2. Reach out to an old friend that I have not heard form in a long while. 
  3. Let go of toxic relationships. 

I hope that you make an effort this month to celebrate the people in your life who make your life special. 


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