Make Others Happy | Year of Living Lovely Project | November Goals

Have you ever done something kind for someone and realized later that the act of being kind also brought you joy of your own? Every November I celebrate the month with my “Thankfulness November,” a month of appreciation and giving back. This year for the Year of Living Lovely Project I wanted to take it a step further and focus on bringing happiness to others as well. When we do kind things for others it truly does have a positive domino effect, where a person impacts someone’s day and in return they positively affect the others around them as well. Spreading happiness does so much more though, it also brings us happiness of our own. 

Recently my mother helped me with a photo shoot at a local venue for my blog and I also made sure to set up some time to take fun photos of us together as a way to thank her. We had this little impromptu picnic as a nice break with some hot apple cider and after the photo shoot we went out to dinner together. Afterwards we were both smiling. I tend to be an extreme introvert, but every once in a while I need the reminder to include others, not just for my own benefit but for their’s too. It is nice sharing a positive moment with others. Taking twenty minutes out of the shoot to focus on some mother-daughter photos was a fun way to thank her for helping me with the photo session and it was a good moment shared between us as well. She left work early that day just to help me, which is a kindness that enabled me to do this autumn photo shoot that I had been planning over the past few weeks. Most of the time, it really is the little things that matter most. 

I have also been struggling with some anxiety and depressive moments of my own. I’m human and we all have them, but a great way to cope and overcome is focusing outward on helping others instead. Just understanding that all people have their struggles and need help every once in a while puts life into perspective. Even when life is difficult, there is so much to be grateful for. 


How you give back, give thanks, and spread kindness is completely up to you. This month, I have three suggestions to turn your November into a thankful one:

One. When you feel angry, frustrated, rushed, or stressed, choose kindness instead. For example, if you find yourself in a long line at the grocery store, instead of getting grumpy, smile at the person next to you, greet the cashier politely, and remember your please and thank you’s. You’ll feel better about yourself and the situation when you choose the kind response. 

Two. Reach out to someone you know to give them a helping hand or just to say thank you. Make sure the people you love feel appreciated. 

Three. Give back to your community. There are countless ways that you can volunteer your time, your skills, or your resources. This month you can make someone’s life so much better just for sharing a little kindness. It goes a long way. 


How do you spread kindness within your own circle and community? I would love to hear your favorite methods for giving back and showing kindness is the comments below. 


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