Manage Post-Election Day Stress [Even If You Are In Quarantine]

It is a stressful day, isn’t it? Not only are we stuck home waiting for the vote to be counted, Matthew and I are also in quarantine until our Covid test results come back negative. -We hope! When you have nowhere to go, following the news seems like the only thing to do. I think I can speak for most of us in saying how shocked we are that the votes are as close as they are, even in many blue states. I woke up this morning to messages and posts from friends and peers from all over the US (and the world) all in shock that so many people in the United States have voted in support of white supremacy. That nearly half of our country not only tolerates racism, homophobia, sexism, and science-deniers, but that they actually vote in support of it. If children in cages is not a deal breaker for these people, then what could be? It was a wake up call for America this morning. Even if Biden wins, we have a rough road ahead of unifying the country, protecting human rights, and years of work to remove the racism and the damage that has been unleashed and encouraged in our country.

We recently left the Northeast for the first time this year because Matthew was the best man for his best friend’s wedding. It was a tiny outdoor event and people tested before arrival, but we also made our way 2.5 hours to Tennessee after to see Matthew’s family for the first time this year and they don’t believe in wearing masks. It is a very different world out there compared to New England. So you better believe we’re taking this covid test and quarantine seriously! I haven’t even left for groceries, although our home supply is mostly pasta right about now. In some ways our recent trip gave me hope. It was our first time leaving the safety of our bubble and seeing what it is like in the southern states. And sadly, it isn’t pretty right now, but there is a blue lining.

North Carolina is definitely divided 50/50. I felt hope talking to other young people in North Carolina who are not in support of Trump, even if they are more conservative leaning. He isn’t very popular amongst the younger crowds, but most said that their families were very much unwilling to budge. It gave me hope to see that his rhetoric and toxicity is not tolerated amongst most of my generation. But in Tennessee it is a whole other ballgame. Even so, it is important to remember that you cannot judge an entire group of people based on the bad. There is so much good out there. There are still so many people out there hoping for a better future too. In North Carolina most people wore their masks while in Tennessee it was actually a rare sight to see anyone wearing a mask, even in public stores, but there was still small groups of people doing the right thing. With the confederate flag flying high all over Tennessee, it was not a surprise that the election there was red. -It is the home to the KKK after all. And although I agree with the experts on the data that the younger generations do care more about human rights and that the old regime is going to fade over time, it is still in power right now. Unfortunately in Tennessee, racism is using the Bible as a Trojan horse. My husband and I returned home feeling more desolate than hopeful. So what can we do about the stress? Millions of us are worried about the future of our democracy, human rights, our neighbors, friends, and family. We’re worried about our planet and how this election will determine the direction of global warming and the future for our children. We’re worried about losing our health care, especially people like myself with preexisting conditions. The division between church and state is a mirage. And women across the country are worried about losing they reproductive health care. The vote count could take days or even longer. So what can we do right now?


Focus on what you can control. 

You cannot control the vote counting, the media reports, or toxic people online or even in your family. But you can control what you let in. Avoid talking to people who are trying to trigger you right now. If someone reaches out to bait you, avoid responding interactions with that person right now. Or shut down the conversation and walk away. You do not have to tolerate it. You also control what media you consume and how much of it. Turn off the tv and don’t watch or listen to stations that are trying to hype up certain reactions and increase drama. Find result-focused and data oriented media sources and stick with those.

Follow the results, but within reason. 

Ignoring the results isn’t going to help your stress right now. You might just find yourself worrying even more because you do not feel informed. Stick to a schedule to check in on the election and cap the time you spend following the results. You need to stay informed, but you do not have to stay entranced to a stressful news source.

Loosen up. 

Are your shoulders up to your ears? Is your jaw clenched tight? Are you carrying tension in your neck or back? Hands balled up into fists? We tend to carry tension in our bodies when we are stressed and it leads to further discomfort, pain, and stress. Take a deep breath and relax your body. Do a simple stretch. Relax those shoulders and feel them drop down. Roll your shoulders and then your head from side to side. Open your hands and spread your fingers. Touch each finger to your thumb. Reach up high then lean over to touch your toes. If you enjoy yoga, a gently yoga practice will loosen you up right about now.

Stay hydrated.

Drink some water. Stay hydrated and well fed with nutritional food to keep your mind and body clear and functioning well. High sugar items will make you feel sluggish and more stressed.

Find comfort in like-minded people. 

We’re all this this together. Find support within your peer group. Vent if you need to or find something else to talk about and get your mind off of it. You are not alone.

Make room for laughter. 

Laughter is the best medicine. Watch cute animal videos or a favorite movie or comedy. Find something to be joyful about today. Give your mind a break or several small breaks throughout the day.

Get moving. 

Even if you are quarantined like myself, you can get active right at home. If you are able to, go for a walk outside or even safely work out at the gym if that is something you can do in your area. For people like myself, try a yoga routine at home using YouTube or watch a work out video and get moving at home. Do some stretched and lift some weights. Put on music and dance around your home. Exercise will help.

It’s still too much, what else can I do? Add in some supplements that work for instant calm. 

Natural supplements such as L-theanine, scullcap, B vitamins, vitamin C, lemon Balm, licorice root, ashwaghanda, peppermint, and Holy Basil promote wellbeing and lower stress. If you have these vitamins and supplements they can help. Don’t have them at home? Get them from your food in the form of leafy greens, citrus, or green tea. You can also find most of them at your local natural food store. Ten minutes of meditation is also a great way to manage stress and increase calm.



It is important to remember that no matter the results, there are many people just like you who are wishing for a better future and willing to work for it. You are not alone and this election, no matter the outcome. It is not the end or the beginning of the work that must be done. Take care of yourself today.


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