Morning Walks | Year of Living Lovely

Back in February I visited my grandmother in Venice Florida and escaped every morning for a half hour walk to the beach and back. After a long winter, it felt like a whole new world being able to walk barefoot in the sand with my toes in the water. 

It was not just the nice weather or the beach that put me in such a good mood for the rest of the day, although they were both certainly very nice, it was simply the act of walking. Walking in itself is like a quiet meditation for me. I can either think things through, let my mind wander, or quiet my mind altogether to focus on a sound, a site, or even a scent that I come across during my walk. 

When I walk at home, I come back feeling healthier, clearer, and calmer than I did before my walk. Since high school, it has been a habit of mine to take a daily walk, usually in the afternoons. But this simple switch has rejuvenated my mornings recently. To take a walk outside when the day is awakening, gives me a rush of energy to start my day. It helps me to wake up and clear my mind of the worries I have for the day, for work, or wedding planning. With less than two months to go and a to-do list that still needs to be done, I have a lot on my mind these days. Getting up and going for a walk keeps me from burrowing away from the world. I feel that I get a whole lot more done. 

No matter where you live, you too can appreciate the benefits of a nice morning walk. It could be a quick five minute loop down your street and back, a ten minute wander, fifteen, twenty-five, or even a thirty minute journey. You can walk no matter if you live out in the country or in a big city. 

Try a short walk the next morning. Dress for the weather, wear comfortable shoes, leave your cell phone volume off if you bring your phone, and take deep breathes of outdoor air as you begin your walk. Focus on breathing better and deeper. Try letting your mind wander or observe something interesting that you see. Are there any animals out? Birds in the trees? What do you see around you? What do you hear? Say hello to a neighbor as you stroll by. Discover a new path by walking down a street that you have not walked down before. If you live close to a cafe or a favorite breakfast place, walk there instead of driving. 

When you arrive back home, take a moment to notice the way that you feel. A short morning walk may be all it takes to give yourself a better day. 


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