Music In The Mornings | Soundtrack For Living | Year of Living Lovely

I’m a firm believer in the healing power of music. Listening to music can lift your mood, give a dose of nostalgia to a time you heard that special song, relieve pain, and it is simply good for the soul. Music makes my mornings. 

As a teenager, my father would wake me up in the mornings to music. I hated the insanely early hour he would wake up (and wake me up), but the music made it a little more bearable. Now these days, it is not a morning without some music. 

For my month of making mornings count, I changed my alarm from the noisy beeps of my alarm clock to the soft sound of a piano playing on my phone. It is not as jarring as my old digital alarm and I wake up happier because of it. When I’m in the shower I listen to a favorite playlist or music on Pandora. And in the living room I have a selection of my favorite old and new vinyl records. My favorite record to play in the morning is my Brandon Flowers record (the lead singer of the band The Killers) as I get dressed and move about the apartment. Sometimes I even have the energy to dance around my living room. And it is all because of the music. 

I love music, pretty much every single genre. But in the mornings I have a few go-to types of songs I like to play. I love oldies in the morning. The bubbly tunes are the quickest way to get happy. I also enjoy upbeat indie music playlists that I find in YouTube. When I first wake up I love Marianelli, especially the sound track to Pride and Prejudice. Marianelli is a composer who is famous for his work for period pieces in cinema. His song “Dawn” is the absolute best song to wake up to year round. I am drawn to positive beats that transform my mornings, and essentially my days. 

And when I am in the car I listen to more modern tunes and the latest hits on the radio. 

I listen to music most mornings, however, for this past month I have not let myself have a day without. It was just the thing to give my mood an extra boost every day. I feel like I have more energy this month. The biggest difference came from changing the obnoxious sound that I wake up to every day. In some ways, it feels like having a soundtrack for living. 

If your morning had a soundtrack, what would be on it? If you have a favorite morning song or playlist, I would love to hear about it in the comments below. 










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