My Autumn In New England Wish List 2021

Happy first week of Autumn! I know a lot of you have been waiting for this day. Personally, I have been clinging to summer because I feel like it went by too fast. I love fall, especially here in New England, but I don’t like being cold. Autumn means we are one step closer to wintertime. Still, I’m getting nostalgic over fall fairs, apple picking season, and apple cider donuts.

At the beginning of every season I like to make a seasonal wish list. I don’t put any pressure on myself to do it all (that is no way to live) but I see it as a guide to lead me towards joy and inspire my seasonal adventures. I like to share them with you because I believe it could give you a new event or idea that you haven’t thought of or perhaps inspire your own autumnal list.

This year, the items on my New England Autumn Wish List are:


One. Have a Hocus Pocus movie night with friends.

Two. Carve a pumpkin (this year this goal is very special because for the first time we actually have a home instead of an apartment, which means we can have our own pumpkins! In the past they would rot too quickly inside. We also have a porch to display them on).

Three. Start my Autumn Reading List (I will share my reading list for the season with you all soon).

Four. Try a new-to-me apple orchard in our new county.

Five. Go on a car camping weekend adventure.

Six. Bike the rail trail by the New York, Massachusetts border starting in Millerton, NY.

Seven. Kayak under a covered bridge.

Eight. Visit Harvard in Boston.

Nine. Do a photo shoot recreating famous scenes from the movie Mystic Pizza.

Ten. Explore a new-to-me town in Vermont or New Hampshire.

Eleven. Have a New England photo day capturing beautiful fall scenes, buildings, and decorations.

Twelve. Pick out a new Autumn inspired tea to start my mornings.

Thirteen. Make an art piece in nature out of leaves and other found objects.

Fourteen. Go for an autumn hike and have a picnic in a spot with a spectacular view of the leaves.

Fifteen. Visit a local New England sugar house.





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