My First Impression Of Mary Ruth’s Organics Daily Multi-Vitamin

It has been about a week since I started taking Mary Ruth Organics Daily Multi-Vitamin and I wanted to share my first impression because I am happy with these vitamins so far. I knew that this year I wanted to try a new multi-vitamin. I believe that we should get our nutrition and vitamins from our diet, but I also struggle with eating enough of everything my body needs. With the gut issues I have had (and are in the process of healing) my body has not been getting all of the nutrients from my diet or absorbing the nutrients I eat well enough. Like me, Mary Ruth’s Organics believes that our vitamins should also come from our food, but acknowledges that it is not always possible and a supplemental vitamin is a good way to fill in the gaps.

This vitamin has been marketed to me relentlessly for the past year and I mostly ignored the ads, but I did start to take notice when I was considering a new vitamin to take. I clicked on the ad and decided to research more about the brand. Mary Ruth’s is organic (as the name states) and I was happy with the ingredient list. The vitamins are also vegan and gluten-free. It has all the vitamins I was looking for, especially B-12 which I knew I was lacking. Vitamins are also known to provide health and energy benefits to those who are not getting proper nutrition. For those who eat very well rounded and healthy diets, extra vitamins do not have a large impact, or even any noticeable impact at all.

Unfortunately, multi-vitamins make me very sick. I don’t know if the dosage is typically too much for a person my size or if there was something in them I reacted to, but every multi-vitamin I have taken in pill form has caused severe dizziness and nausea. This is usually a sign of too many vitamins and vitamins can actually be quite poisonous when overdosing on them. Gummy vitamins have been more gentle on my system, but they are also full of sugar and other junk. I don’t really feel that gummy vitamins really have much of a benefit. A liquid vitamin was something I was worried about. Liquid medicine and I have not gotten along in the past. While I prefer pills, as I stated, pill vitamins always make me ill. It was time to try something new. So I paused my gummy vitamin subscription and ordered my first bottle.

My first impression while ordering was that this vitamin is expensive, although it compares around the same range as most organic multi-vitamins. You do save a few dollars every month by subscribing. When it arrived my first impression was that the bottle is quite large and would not be easy to travel with, but at least I knew I was getting a good amount for the money I spent. It must also be refrigerated. Although it says it is raspberry flavored, it has more of a flavor and consistency of thick peach juice.

Adults over 18 are recommended two tablespoons a day. I took my first one. It was ok. I slurped down the second one. I nearly gagged on the syrupy thickness and tart peachy taste. It claims to be raspberry flavored, but it tastes nothing like raspberries. I was not quite a fan of the aftertaste, but it was not nearly as bad as I imagined and every day it does get easier. I did not get any nausea, although I had a short wave of dizziness about a half hour after the first time I tried it, it passed quickly and I have not had any negative reactions since. For those that do, taking your vitamin with a meal will help or even lowering the dosage, especially for those who are petite and have a lower body weight.

The vitamin is of course for complete nutrition and health, but it is also said to provide other benefits such as energy throughout the day and as a beauty aid for healthy skin and even reversing signs of aging like grey hair. While most grey hair is genetic or simply from age, some vitamin deficiencies can cause early greying, especially a lack of D and B vitamins, B-12 in particular. Many ads I saw promised grey hair turning back to their original color. I have very little faith in that actually happening and there is no actual data or research backing up that claim. It appears that a couple TikTokers first made this claim and it has been spread since with no proof or scientific research or data to back it up. Still, I do know that vitamin deficiencies can cause hair to turn grey and when you have proper nutrition some of it can turn back to its natural shade. In my case, we will see if my silvers are from lack of nutrients or if I’m just getting some early genetic grays.

So do I have more energy throughout the day? Honestly, it is too soon to tell. It has been a very grey and rainy week so my energy is low to begin with. I have also been fairly stressed and I am a low energy person. I have not yet noticed a difference in that regard until yesterday. I did have less grogginess and more energy in the morning that has carried on through my afternoon. Usually it can take up to three months to notice a difference when you make a diet change. By three or four in the afternoon I am usually lagging a little at work, but yesterday I had steady energy levels. It could have been from my morning walk the other day in the rare bit of sunshine we had, the vitamins, or a combination of both.

However, over a long period of time I do see the added benefit if the vitamins for health, energy, immunity, skin, hair, and nails. I do believe I will see an improvement in my health because of the addition of these vitamins into my daily routine simply because I know my gut issues prevent me from absorbing enough nutrients from my diet. I’m missing some key vitamins. Yet, it is of course too soon to tell, which is why this is only a first impression review.

I promise to share more of a review when I have been taking Mary Ruth’s for at least a few months when I should see a noticeable difference or none at all. I only share my honest opinions of products I use and only recommend products that work well for me and that I would trust with myself and my loved ones. I like sharing products that bring wellness and wellbeing to myself and those I care about. I only recommend products that I absolutely adore and trust. But so far I do trust this brand and the process. I think it is worth trying. I do believe that a daily multivitamin, especially an organic one, will have numerous health benefits for me down the line. I’ll be sure to let you know and keep you updated.



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  • amandaFebruary 16, 2024 - 9:19 am

    just got this same product… I have a very sensitive stomach and it bothers me a lot. I have tried diluting it and will try lowering the dose as well. I’ve also read that their brand has had a lot of recent formula changes which is concerning as they are becoming more and more popular and did not release an official statement that this would be happening. Would love an update on your experience with this productReplyCancel

    • Courtney MurrayMarch 2, 2024 - 11:57 am

      Hi Amanada, I have had similar experiences with vitamins. Often I have found it is too high of a dose so lowering it really helps because everyone’s body is different and their vitamin needs are too. For this same reason, I cannot take vitamins in pill form. They make me so sick! My grandmother is the same way so her doctor recommended the gummy vitamins because they are known to be more gentle for sensitive stomachs. The gummies have a lot of sugar and other stuff in them, but they do work well for my grandmother and I have tried it in the past with success. I’m still using Mary Ruth’s liquid vitamins though. I always make sure to take it with my breakfast so I’m not taking them on an empty stomach. I have not noticed anything different about the product, only the packaging over the past year. I have tried so many different brands over the years and this one is what works best for me. I hope you find what works best for you!ReplyCancel

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