My Live Lovely Summer Check List

Summer in New England always goes by much to fast. This year, I intend to slow down and appreciate the small things. You don’t have to live in New England to follow along my personal list. Joy can be found anywhere and I hope you will be inspired by my summer check list and make a list all your own. Please leave a comment below with your summer check list suggestions. 

One. Open the windows and let the fresh breeze in.

Two. Wake up to the sound of birds chirping and lay there for a moment to listen to them sing. 

Three. Four words: farm fresh ice cream. 

Four. Go for a swim in the lake. 

Five. Go out on a boat.

Six. Take a ferry to a little island to spend the day.

Seven. Go for a bicycle ride. 

Eight. Spend a day at the beach.

Nine. Spend an entire weekend unplugged.

Ten. Enjoy an adventure in a kayak or canoe.

Eleven. Try a lobster roll at a seafood shack I haven’t yet been to. 

Twelve. Try a new waterfront restaurant. 

Thirteen. Read a book outdoors.

Fourteen. Create a summer playlist and listen to it while driving with the windows down. 

Fifteen. Write a poem. 

Sixteen. Paint or draw outdoors.

Seventeen. Plan a fun and silly summer photo shoot.

Eighteen. Have lunch at a Connecticut hot dog stand. 

Nineteen. Go bird watching with Matthew.

Twenty. Go to the beach on a “work night.” 

Twenty-One. Make more entries in my appreciation journal. 

Twenty-Two. Watch the sunset. 

Twenty-Three. Enjoy a picnic on a blanket. 

Twenty-Four. Spend a weekend exploring a new place. 

Twenty-Five. Create a summer reading list. You can see mine here. 


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