My Paris Top Ten | Live Lovely Travel

My Paris top ten has several ideas you have heard before and maybe a few that sound obvious, but somehow get missed when people plan a trip to the city of love. I adore Paris. I have heard other travelers call the city overrated, but it has been an epicenter of art and sophistication for hundreds of years. I truly believe that it is more than worth the hype! People who talk badly of it don’t know how to appreciate a wonderful place. It is a busy city in the summer months, but if you’re planning a visit, I suggest that you stay for at least three days to see all the important sights and to take your time as you explore. There are dozens of incredible museums, hundreds of amazing places to eat, and so much art and culture to wander through. 

These are my personal top ten experiences I feel that you should not miss when you visit Paris, especially if this is your first visit. The first time I visited Paris I was twenty years old and we only had a weekend. We made the most of our trip and promised to return again to see what we could not in two days. That promise came true this year as the first stop for our European honeymoon. We had planned for a four day visit, but an unfortunate plane cancellation made us a day and a half late. Still, we made the most of every moment, even with jet lag. 

This are my favorite Paris experiences and moments that have made my best memories. 


One. Eat a crepe by the park overlooking the Eiffel Tower. My first ever crepe was here in this park so when we returned on the honeymoon we decided to get them here again. There are two stands that sell them (my favorite being the Nutella crepes).

Two. Have your portrait professioanlly taken in the iconic city of love. We did not do this for our first trip, but for our second visit we decided we needed to hire a professional to take our photos in our favorite city locations. We brought along my wedding dress and Matthew’s tux, but for your visit all you need is a nice looking outfit and a comfortable and nice pair of shoes.

Three. Take a boat tour down the Seine. We took an evening boat tour during our first visit and it is one of the most beautiful and romantic ways to see the city. 

Four. Visit the museums, especially the Louvre and the Musee d’Orsay. Because we saw the Louvre during our last visit, we decided to spend our time at another famous French museum; the Musee d’Orsay, where you will find the largest collection of French Impressionist paintings, including those by Monet, Degas, and Van Gogh among many others. The building itself is simply gorgeous. 

Five. Sip champagne at the top of the Eiffel Tower as you watch the sunset over the city. This one is a must for your life list. You’ll get the most incredible view of the city and enjoy it as the sun sets. Simply lovely and oh so romantic. 

Six. Walk through the underground tunnel to the Arc de Triomphe. The best view of the Arc is from directly underneath. You also have the option to go inside and see the views from the top. 

Seven. Climb to the top of Notre Dame. We sadly did not make this during our trip as our time in Paris was cut short, however, it is still on our list for our next visit. I have heard that the view is one of the most incredible and the Cathedral itself is stunning and iconic. We have been inside and it is one of the places I will never forget. 

Eight. Have petite déjeuner (breakfast) or any meal at an outdoor cafe. Try some local foods such as crescents, macaroons, escargot, or roast duck. I always make it a point to try the local foods to truly experience the culture and learn more about how people live in other parts of the world. 

Nine. Explore the city by foot. One of the best ways to see the city is to simply walk it. Get lost, discover something new, and explore. During one of our walks we found this lovely patch of yellow roses. 

Ten. Stay in a room with a view. You don’t have to splurge a lot to get a beautiful view. If you search early enough, you can find very affordable options through Airbnb. This was the view form our balcony. The best part is that you get to watch the light show at night from the comfort of home. 

If you have been to Paris I would love to hear about your favorite Paris experiences. If you have not gone, but are planning or simply daydreaming of a trip to see it for yourself, I would love to know what is on your dream Paris trip list and what you want to know about the city in the comments below. If you enjoyed this post, please share it with your friends. 





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