Nourish: Body & Soul | Year of Living Lovely Project | August Goals

As humans, we are always consuming; energy, food, information, and entertainment. Our bodies and our minds crave nourishment and in an age of mass consumption, it is easy to consume the wrong things; junk food, negativity, bad television, and too much technology, to name a few. 

For August’s goals for my Year of Living Lovely Project, I want to take a step back and properly nourish my mind, body, and soul. I have one major monthly goal for each of those areas.  

  1. Mind: Take in more positive information. Of course, there is going to be bad news, consumer ads at every turn, and negativity from the people around us no matter how hard we try to bubble our worlds, but we can take control of the good that we take in. This month I am going to actively seek more positivity in my life from the movies I choose to watch, the people I decide to spend my time with, the blogs and books that I read, and the social media I engage in. 
  2. Body: I am going to nourish my body with healthy meals and activities. More activity, more trips to the gym after work, more walks in the mornings and afternoons, and home cooked meals over dinners out. And I am also going to be kinder to my body; less judgement, more love and appreciation. And I am going to say yes to that ice cream cone. Sometimes nourishing our bodies means having something sweet every once in a while. It is all in the balance. 
  3. Soul: The ways we nourish our souls are completely personal, but no matter your beliefs, your practices, or your religion, I hope you nourish yours. For me, this will include more moments of solitude and meditation. I will pay more attention to things that I love to do and less to activities that I find draining, which means less time with technology and more time out in nature. 

How do you nourish your bodies, your minds, and your souls? I would love to hear your favorite methods in the comments below. Have a lovely August! 


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