August 7th feels so far away now that it is nearing the end of October. I have been very occupied with editing client photos lately, so tonight after I finished editing a batch I decided that I should take the time to edit some of my own photos. My amazing cousin Ginger and her husband Brian threw us a incredible engagement party for both of our families to mingle in their back yard in Bethlehem, Connecticut. And yes, their homestead has chickens! After Brian pushed this little chickie into Matthew’s hands he may actually consider letting me adopt some chickens when we have a yard. I can only hope!
They set up a bouncy house for the kids and the large family tent and tables came out for guests (because our family is so large they invested in a tent years ago for family gatherings). It was a casual and relaxed affair. I was pretty tired from the day before trying to plan last minute details and juggle work. I didn’t bother with hair or makeup, but I did put on one of my favorite party dresses because every party needs a special dress. Matthew and I are so thankful to Ginger, Brian, Brooke, and Ben for opening their home to all of our guests. Ginger borrowed this photo line creation from a neighbor who made it for their wedding. I made the banner at the top using my new sewing machine (a birthday gift from Matthew). See the photo in a frame on the bottom? It is a portrait of Matthew and I on the very day we met!
Naturally, as a photographer, I brought along a lot of my favorite photos of Matthew and I from the past eight years. My lovely friends helped me select the favorites to display with mini clothes pins.
My lovely future in-laws!
The food was amazing. My cousin Jessie’s mother-in-law made incredible side dishes and everyone else chipped in for this deliciousness. The cute cupcakes were homemade by a family friend.
I am so blessed with such loving and supportive friends. Several made it to the party and I was so surprised! Sarah and Christine (who just had a sweet baby boy named Sterling last month) drove over from New York together. And Sasha and Matt made it in all the way from Boston.
These two cuties to the left are getting married on July 1st of 2017! My sister Jennifer found her absolute perfect match. I am so happy for you, Jennifer and Jacob.
A very special photo with my sisters Avalon and Jennifer; my future maid and matron of honor.
Lots of love! I found this curtain fabric at a craft store. We wanted our party to have some birds in it as a small tribute to Matthew’s mother, who shared a love of bird watching with Matthew. Her memory was with us all day.
My brother really is my dad’s mini-me. They even dressed the same.
Brooke and her Uncle Matt; Matthew’s little buddy.
Benjamin loved giving me a tour of the gardens and the chicken coup when most of our guests said goodbye for the evening. And of course, balancing pumpkins on his head.
On our way to “the top of the world!” Across the street is a lovely hill behind the field of corn. It has a view and you really do feel like you’re on top of the world. I always feel so relaxed in Bethlehem. My cousins know how to celebrate life including the little moments. Every moment is magic.
The best photo assistant:
The perfect conclusion to the perfect party.