Our Third Anniversary

Today Matthew and I celebrate our third wedding anniversary. Later this year we will be celebrating thirteen years together. I am so thankful for every year and every milestone that we get to share. I never imagined that a boy I met by chance when I was eighteen years old would be the man that I married in my late twenties and would spend the rest of my life with. I knew he was special the day that we met, but nothing could prepare me for the real life fairytale that would follow. Life isn’t a fairytale. It can be really difficult and often painful. Yet, sharing a love with Matthew has brought the magic back into my life. With the trauma that I was raised in, I never imaged a happy ending like this. And I know it is definitely not an ending, we are still beginning after all, but in a way it is the ending of a chapter and a beginning of a new one.

Every anniversary I enjoy looking back on these beautiful moments, reminiscing about all the memories of times gone by, and practicing gratitude for the love that I have been fortunate enough to find. I have no idea what the future brings, but I do know that I am fortunate to have the love of Matthew in my life.

We are keeping the celebration simple this evening, as we have just returned form an epic road trip out west. Matthew made reservations for dinner, to where I do not know because it is a surprise.



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