Reasons Why I’m Doing A No Spend Summer | Year Four

I first came up with my idea to do a no spend summer in 2018. I had been doing no spend Novembers as a gratitude practice for the month of Thanksgiving since 2016 and I wanted to try something different in the summertime. 2018 was the year of our wedding and I was doing my best to save money. I had wanted to challenge myself not to spend money on anything else as a way to save. I ended up bringing it back the past few summers and each time I feel that it has had an impact on my life for numerous reasons.

In 2018 it was about saving money after paying for our wedding and in 2019 I wanted to challenge myself further by adding extra time to my spending ban. In 2020 it was about gratitude, but I’ll be honest that I slipped more in 2020 than any other time before. I think it was because I was feeling so anxious and unhappy. I didn’t buy a bunch of random stuff, but I did make wellness purchases and even clothes. I didn’t want to shop to fill a void or a need. Which is why this year I am tackling this issue head on.

The truth is, I think I got into the habit of shopping too much. I talk about a simple lifestyle and I strive to live simply and sustainably, but there is also something deep inside me that feels insecure and unsafe. I feel like I buy to fill needs that aren’t as urgent as I think they are. The whole “If I spend money on….. I’ll be happy/secure/protected, ” trap. To be fair to myself, I don’t have a shopping problem, I just want to change my habits.My shopping doesn’t effect my finances or put me at risk. It is simply something I want to change inside on a personal level. I’m not out there going on weekly shopping sprees. I don’t buy things all of the time. In comparison to many people I know I would appear frugal, but the fact remains that my shopping habits as they are now are making me unhappy. Compared to my friends and family I would put myself somewhere in the middle. I’m not a big shopper, but I often feel like I have to purchase certain items to complete things. Still, I want to prioritize the more important things in my life; specially connections to people, the planet, and myself.

I feel that I do focus more on how things make me feel over how my lifestyle makes me feel. Shopping can be a distraction from the heartache I feel over traumatic events in my past. And sometimes I do get caught up in the idea that I could be happier or healthier if I only had whatever it is I feel that I need at the time.

I do want to save more money and pay off my college debts. I do want to save for a future house, even though I love the place we are renting now. Renting itself, no matter how much I adore our new home, makes me feel insecure because I know that it is not permanent and that there is always the possibility that our landlady could sell the house or something outside our control could happen where we would have to move. As someone who split my childhood between different homes for a custody agreement and spent all of my adulthood moving from apartment to apartment, a sense of security is something I truly long for.

And last but not least, I also want to cut the chord with fast fashion. I’m not a big fashionista or clothing shopper, but I do love clothes. When I do shop I do tend to choose items that are cheaper because the idea of spending more for an item is so against the money style that I was raised in. In theory, I know and understand that paying for less quantity, but higher quality items is better for myself and the environment. I know that they last longer and that a great quality wardrobe can last a lifetime of wear. But I still gravitate towards deals and the cheaper stuff because it sounds scary to purchase expensive items. It seems so opposite of what I am trying to accomplish. Even worse, I know how fast fashion effects the people who make the clothes and the environment too. I want to make a bigger impact by directing my money to more ethical brands and reducing fast fashion for higher quality pieces over time. I want to slow down my consumption.

So now that all of that is out there, now it is time to discuss the how.

I can’t cut out all spending of course. Home and living expenses are necessities. So are hygiene products and several of the “beauty” products I use like my facial oil and hair care essentials. Food is on there. And then I do have to chip in for gifts, business expenses for my photography business, and replacement items when things wear out or get used up inevitably. So this is obviously not a 100% spending ban. But I do want to cut out materialistic stuff and things that I absolutely do not need. I don’t need more clothes or shoes or bags. I don’t need extra sunglasses or hair clips. And despite the beauty industry telling me otherwise, I do not need more makeup. I don’t need new outdoor gear this year. I plan to make do and appreciate what I have.

To accomplish this I will ban my biggest culprit; online scrolling. Out of boredom, sadness, or to fill a “need” caused by an online ad or post I read, I tend to scroll through my favorite fashion brand pages. I’m not going to browse my favorite sites. Browsing is temptation and temptation leads to impulse purchases. No more browsing.

I will focus on gratitude. Instead of focusing on things I want or feel that I need, I will use and appreciate what I have. I plan on reading the books on my to read shelf instead of going to a book store. I will make do with what I have when doing something where I feel like I need something new. I will happily rewear my old clothes and style them in new and refreshing ways instead of feeling like I have to add a new piece to accomplish a new look.

I will focus more on what I do, not what I have. I will replace my old habit of scrolling and browsing online for other habits like reading, going for walks, riding my bike, and doing other things that I enjoy. The problem with shopping is that it can be addictive. The process of buying something new can release dopamine, but so can other activities that you enjoy. To cut one bad habit you need to replace it with another healthier habit to be successful. Instead of scrolling Instagram before work I can spend more time in my garden or watch some positive simple living videos on YouTube.

But most of all, I will return to the simple pleasures. One does not need to buy new things to enjoy what they already have. There is so much to appreciate.




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