Relax & Restore | My Anxiety Toolkit

One morning last week I awoke feeling a heaviness inside of me. I was feeling past hurts and anger well up. Things I hadn’t thought about in months were plaguing my bright sunny morning and making it feel as if the stormy days had returned. I went back and forth between bursts of severe anxiety with thoughts of “I can’t go to work today…” and feelings of anger. I was just angry at everything and anger is not a feeling that plagues me often. I felt anger towards people and things that had no relevance to my life today. By the time the burst of anger disappeared and I felt close to crying for now reason, I realized that I wasn’t myself because it was that of the month. Oh yes, the hormones striked again.

I realized about an hour into my day that the feelings of anxiety, anger, and depression I was feeling weren’t normal. -At least not for my every day. I haven’t even felt anxiety since winter. Everyone has bad days as out emotional naturally go up and down, but this felt like quite the low. A morning meditation didn’t help. Even the bright sunshine didn’t improve the way I was feeling and it always gives me a boost. I picked up some green tea on my way to work and when I got into the office I brewed myself a cup asap and added twenty-six drops of my favorite Maine Medicinals Relax + Restore Alcohol Free Tincture. When anxiety strikes, it is important to have some natural and easy coping tools in your kit whether it be meditation, a close friend on speed dial, something that brings you comfort, or a supplement or tincture that can ease your symptoms.

A tincture is a concentrated herbal extract and they absorb right into your body when taken orally, ensuring that your body gets the positive effects pretty quickly. On days where I feel like I simply cannot relax or stop ruminating I add my favorite tincture to my tea, water, or any beverage. If I am feeling anxious in any way, it helps calm the storm. Maine Medicinals is a local New England Brand that I admire for its clean and organic local ingredients. I particularly like that this tincture comes with an alcohol-free option for those who have addictions or dependencies on alcohol and also because I don’t want to be using a tincture with alcohol through the day when working.

What makes this Relax & Restore Tincture so powerful is that it is made out of organic Skullcap, Passionflower, Holy Basil, Lemon balm, and Schisandra berries, all natural herbs and berries that promote nerve support to reduce stress and anxiety. I’m a big believer in using natural ingredients in the products that I use on or in my body. I grew up with a kidney condition so I know how important natural products can be for my body over chemicals and toxic foods. I also prefer to heal my body (and mental health) the natural way with nutritious food, although I believe that everyone should listen to their now intuition and the advice of their doctors. As with everything, I believe that everyone should do their own research into the ingredients of the supplements they use and consult their own doctor. I am not a medical professional, just a woman who has suffered from anxiety and found a natural tincture that helps. No one knows you better than yourself.

The first time I tried this Relax and Restore tincture it about a year ago I took the thirty recommended drops in my tea and it worked a little too well. I became so relaxed that I actually got clumsy and felt like I was resting on the beach instead of sitting at my office desk. It is powerful stuff. But I loved how it impacted my mental state to calm the storm and help me feel rested and restored again. I now use twenty to twenty-four drops in my drink as needed. Twenty-six on a really rough day like today. And it can be used later on in the day if I need a little extra help at the end of the day too.

I prefer to take it in my tea in the morning when anxiety strikes, but it can be taken at any time during the day or night and starts to work within ten to twenty minutes. It can also be taken before bed for a restful nights sleep, especially on those nights when it is difficult to turn off your thoughts. It has a light and delicate flavor that takes lovely in my tea. It is not an overpowering flavor.

To round out the day and ensure I am taking the best care of myself I will also make sure to stay hydrated throughout the day, to get up and get moving, to eat healthy, and to reach out to someone if I need emotional support. I also used lavender essential oils on my wrists to promote calm. A natural supplement may make you feel better in the short term, but I know that it is not a permanent nor long term solution. If these mental symptoms continue I do my best to get to the root of it and work with a therapist, but on days when anxiety or stress suddenly strikes, I know that I can cope with my Maine Medicinals. Feelings of sadness or anxiety can be completely normal from time to time and they usually tell us important cues about what we need in our lives, but bursts of uncontrollable anxiety, anger, or depression are not healthy indicators for us. Maine Medicinals Relax and Restore helps to calm this surplus of emotion and allows us to cope and move forward in our day instead of feelings stuck in the storm.

Before giving it a try for yourself, please read the ingredients well and follow your intuition. Ask your doctor if you are unsure. I’m not a medical professional, simply someone who lives an organic lifestyle and I adore this product for calm without drugs, chemicals or cbd. Just because it works well for me does not mean that it is the best fit for everyone. But if you want to give it a try, I highly recommend that you do. Maine Medicinals Relax and Restore Tincture may be what is missing form your anxiety toolkit. It may be the one thing you’ve been looking for to calm your anxiety or stress.


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